Chapter 4 - Small Talks

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Making amends with the past is always a necessity in life, but the devil never realized how hard such confrontation is until she's met with her worst nightmare. Tik tok the clock is ticking for the exact moment to happen to the little devil~

~ Previously ~

"It's fine! I can go home afterwards,"  He quickly said embarrassed. "Ah ok! Whatever you want, Now let me tell you what happened as we walk,,," She smiled sadly as she started walking ahead of him.

"So, do you have any questions you want to ask before I start?" Yuki looked at him with intensity in her eyes which made him shiver from her sudden cold demeanor.

"I only have one question,,," He said softly as he held the strap of his bag tightly, scared of knowing the answer as to why his idol and senpai in volleyball did this.

"Why did you stop playing volleyball,,,?" He stopped in his tracks looking down, biting his lip. "Ah~, I was waiting for that," She looked back at him with a breeze of wind going by in the starry night they were walking in.

He looked up at her wanting to know her answer. "The answer is simple, I lost interest towards the sport after I got injured," She held up a finger to her lips with a nonchalant look in her expression as his jaw was left ajar. "Huh?! What do you mean?" He exclaimed loudly not expecting that answer to be so simple.

She smiled sadly, "I mean exactly what I said Tobio," She looked away, knowing well enough that she left out some details that she's scared to admit at the moment. His blue eyes looked at her in curiosity, "Then why did you join the team as an assistant coach?" He tilted his head to the side not understanding her thinking process at all to which she giggled at as she imagined him as a lost puppy looking at his owner.

His cheeks turned into a pink hue from this. "What? Why are you laughing Yuki-Senpai?" He shouted embarrassedly as she waved her hand in front of her face. "It's nothing, Anyways the reason why I joined is,,,, I don't know! I joined cause I heard it was the team that used to go against Nekoma but apart from that I don't know!" She said as she continued walking with him trailing behind her, making him exclaim again.

"But I guess I'll stay to see how you'll evolve from the 'King of The Court', Tobio-Kun!" She said, looking back to see how reacted to being called that. Just as she thought he had an angered expression and immediately told her to not call him that. "What's wrong with the name then?" Now it was her turn to tilt her head with her hands behind her head.

"I,,, Just don't like it," He looked to the side, clearly upset from the memories it brought up. "Is that so? Well, I hope you can change the way you look at the title you're given," she stated, he looked at her not knowing what she meant. "You'll find out soon what I mean, Tobio-Kun~!" she poked his side.

He shrugged and sighed, as she decided to speak up. "Well! Are you ready to hear what I have to say?", he looked at her back as she was walking ahead of him at some point. "Yes, I am," She looked back and smile, "Don't blame me if you get mad or something like that though!" she warned, knowing well enough how it might upset him.

"Now, it's story time!" She exclaimed as she clapped her hands once as if she was excited but in reality she was dreading it. "You remember back when you were a first year in middle school? Well that's where all it started," He walked up next to her so he could listen better.

"Remember your first year in middle school? That's where everything started going downhill," She breathed in. "You might be thinking, 'What do you mean downhill?', Well what I mean is my mom,"

"She was a single mother and always has been, Round my second year in middle school she found someone she actually loved which I'm happy for but to me it wasn't the best kind of news, I put up with it and I was fine,,,"

She looked down at the path before her, with a sigh escaping her pink lips, "I was fine till she suddenly announced we were going to move to Tokyo within a week, That same week you almost got hit by an upperclassman," She looked at him, hoping he didn't realize that she didn't want to say his name. To which he looked back with an arched eyebrow, showing his confusion.

She blinks twice, looking at him with the most blank expression. "Did you really forget?" she asked with the lowest voice, to which he nodded to quickly. Bubbles of laughter erupted from Yuki's mouth as Kageyama's facial expression turned stern.

She was glad that he didn't really remember and was a natural idiot. She felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders as he didn't seem to care much about details but only cared about why she stopped playing volleyball when in reality there was more to the story which is why she left out details.

She flicked his forehead as she slowly calmed down her laughter, "The reason I stopped volleyball is cause I got injured but after I recovered I got scared to play again and there are other reasons which I'd rather not tell, That pleases you?" She asks him with a playful smile.

"I guess so, But you were really good at volleyball so that's a shame," he pouted as he wasn't happy that she stopped. "We should hurry home now it's late and we got practice," Yuki said nonchalantly to which Kageyama responded with a nervous look as he completely forgot about practice which was rare for him to forget.

You might be wondering, how did poor Kageyama forget? It was because he was too busy listening to Yuki's soothing voice that he didn't realize he missed so dearly but he had no idea why he was in such a trance.

He then shook his head and pointed to his right, "Yuki-Senpai, I go this way okay?" she nodded at him and waved goodbye at him. "Byebye Tobio-Kun! See you!" He bowed his head down, feeling a bit awkward as he was walking away.

She then got out her earphones out of her bag and her phones, checking if she had any missed calls or messages from anyone. She saw a missed call from her mom but ignored it, not in the mood to hear her mother begging her to go back home or to brag about her son who is almost a year old.

She sighed as she decided to pester a particular upperclassmen who she knew would be thrilled that she was the one that initiated something. Yuki at the time was walking at a slow pace, looking down at her phone trying to find Kuroo's number.

Something then had bumped into her causing her to drop her phone as she pressed on the call button. A deep voice had erupted from what she had just bumped into, to which she barely recognized.

Her breathing started pacing a bit as she shivered from the fact she had heard this voice after so many years. She didn't know if she was thrilled or simply frightened at what he would say.

The unknown voice spoke once again, "Yuki,,,? Is that you?" she looked up to be met with dark eyes. She lowly uttered, "Fuck,,," as in the background a barely audible Kuroo could be heard panicking at why she wasn't responding.


Hey hey~ I'm finally back! I sincerely apologize for taking so long to upload a chapter. I had no inspiration lately but the ideas where still there but luckily I'm now back! Hope you enjoy this rather short chapter~ This chapter isn't edited either yet so please don't mind the mistakes!

𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 {Discontinued}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz