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They have a house in Arizona, as Stevie's family is pretty much centered there and that's where she found herself. She drove straight through the night without sleeping. it's about six and a half hours and she had left around three so as nine o'clock rolled around she was pulling into their Arizona driveway. 

By the time she unpacked it was ten-thirty Arizona time, nine-thirty California so she called Karen first and then she called Dr. Thompson who referred her to an OBGYN in Scottsdale and got her an appointment. She fell asleep then with her little baby's clothing tucked to her chest. 


October 3, 1990

Leaving the OBGYN, Dr. Heart, she called Lindsey who answered right away. 

"Happy Birthday." She sighs.

"Steph, where are you...what's going on?" He asks.

"All I'm going to say is that I'm safe. I'll be having dinner with Lori and Chris tomorrow. I just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday and say that it's a little girl." Stevie explains.

"You're in Scottsdale," He states.

"Yes, but don't you think about coming down here. I'm hurt, Lindsey...you cheated on me." She shakes her head.

"I know and I'm sorry but Steph you kind of hate me." He states.

"I don't hate you." She shakes her head.

"In an interview, you compared us to a rat and a boa-constrictor. You're mean when we're at home because I don't meet your cleanliness standards, you hate when I'm constantly on my guitar while you claim you do everything around the house...Kristen, for a short while she made me feel good. She was an ego boost and she liked me. She didn't give a rats ass if I threw my clothes on the floor, or draped across a chair. She didn't mind if I played my guitar all day. It was fun while it lasted but then she mentioned how she was going through a divorce and I stopped. I didn't want to get involved in that mess." Lindsey replies.

"Lindsey, you're just as bad. You screamed at me because I drew you up a purple outfit and claimed I was dressing you like Prince. You literally just blew up on me a couple of weeks ago because I talked about reconnecting with you. Claimed I was talking about sex...Lindsey, I love you and I don't want to lose you, but I also know that I need to do what's best for me. I went to the doctor, she's fine and everything but I don't want to risk anything again and I know we can have sex and be tender with each other but more times then not, we can't and we aren't. I also want to stay out of the public eye. Scottsdale is the best place for that." Stevie says.

"Stevie, we can work on this. Let me come down there. I promise we'll get better...we have to get better, for her." Lindsey states.

"Well, you have interviews and appearances in Los Angeles. You're doing that Christmas CD." She starts.

"I know, but I only have the one song and I can do phone interviews. I don't want you alone." He states.

"How about this, come for Thanksgiving and stay until she's here," Stevie suggests.

"Well, I don't like that idea, Can I come for Halloween?" 

"No, come for Thanksgiving. That way a majority of your appearances will be done." Stevie shakes her head.

"Can I at least talk about her?" Lindsey asks.

"Yes...you can talk about her. We have to tell the world somehow." Stevie chuckles.

"What do they say when they ask why we waited twelve years and where you are?" He asks.

"I can't tell you about the twelve-year thing but if they ask about me just say that I'm home and we're healthy." Stevie states.

"Will we get through this?" Lindsey asks.

"We have to...and besides, starting over will be good for us because frankly, I got scared," Stevie admits.

"Scared of what?" He questions.

"Well you bruised my cervix on my birthday, it felt like I was being stabbed with a hot poker for a straight week. Then when I found out I was pregnant, it was right after that Prince fiasco and the doctor said I was swollen and that's not good." Stevie explains.

"Gee Steph, I'm sorry." She can hear him chewing on his lip.

"It's okay, I'm okay...we're okay." Stevie smiles into the phone.

"I saw the sketches you left here, they're really good are you actually going to debut a baby line?" 

"I'm thinking about it. I was trying to come up with a creative way to tell you I was pregnant and went into a baby boutique and I cringed at every single outfit. I will be making all of our baby's clothing." Stevie states.

"I had no doubt in my mind that you would. Maybe something like a koala or a monkey." Lindsey suggests.

"I'll start working on it." Stevie grins.


Stevie was watching Lindsey on Johnny Carson two nights later on the fifth, using her belly like a plate for her chips and salsa. 

"So Lindsey, you just got off a year-long worldwide tour. What's next for you?" 

"A lot actually...I'm doing a song on Jimmy Iovine's A special kind of a Christmas, but then I'm taking a while off. Stevie and I are about to take a giant step together so I'm at least stepping back for a while. She'll do what she can though." 

"You mean fashion designer Stevie Nicks, your wife...Here you are here on the MTV Music Award red carpet." 

"Yeah, that's us." He grins.

"What giant step is left. I mean you're already married...unless are you guys moving cross country or something?"

"No, nothing like that...Stevie's about five months pregnant." Lindsey grins.

"That makes sense you were home on a break five months ago. So she was pregnant in this picture?" 

"Yeah, she was." Lindsey nods.

"She does not look pregnant." He replies.

"She was hiding it." He states.

"I guess so. So how long is this break going to be?" 

"I don't know...until she gets sick of me being at home I guess." Lindsey laughs.

"Nonsense, she doesn't get sick of you. She's been your wife for what a decade at least." 

"Yeah, we got married in 78, so it's been twelve years." 

"Why now...why did you wait until now to have a baby." 

"I guess now was just the right time. We've never tried for a baby and we had discussed children we just didn't really act on anything we're super busy and we really don't see each other as much as we should so I guess it was just God's way of saying it was time." Lindsey shrugs.

Stevie will admit that he handled that one well, answering that question could've gone worse.

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