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February 25, 1997

Aubree was five now and had been for about ten days. Stevie was still in a slight state of recovery, She was fully healed, on the outside, she had no idea what her body was like on the inside, however. She didn't have any stitches anymore but she was still spotting, which she expected because that's normal for after any form of birth, but what was throwing her was how weak her stomach felt. She was back to a semi-normal state. she wasn't back at work yet but she was up drawing and designing but if she'd bend a certain way her incision would stretch and cause her a slight twinge of pain. And she was still experiencing some numbness at her incision site so if she could help it, she spent most of her time in bed still. She was doing her Kegels and her abdominal exercising every morning but besides that, she often sat or laid down when she was doing things with the children, which is exactly what she was doing now. She was laying in the middle of the bed, Aubree was on her left where Lindsey usually slept and Tenley was on her right. Aubree had passed out with her head on Stevie's shoulder and Tenley had passed out with her head on Stevie's hip. She was small enough that she was laying pretty much crooked on the bed and Wesley was sleeping on her sternum. She was tired as anyone would be if they were taking care of three young children by themselves but Lindsey was in New York. So Stevie figured it out where she had everything she needed within arms reach of the King Sized bed and she had made herself at home on the bed with her children watching the Grammy's. 

It was announced back in November that Lindsey had been nominated for a Grammy for his album The Dance, which was just a live collection from the last concert tour he went on that celebrated his twenty years in the music industry but it was a great honor none the less and Stevie had designed him a killer outfit, a crushed velvet suit jacket and a blueish black silk dress shirt and a pair of simple black trousers and she oh so wished that she was with him but she was freshly postpartum and she didn't feel comfortable leaving her barely one-month-old baby alone to fly to New York. 

"And the winner of Album of the Year is...Lindsey Buckingham The Dance, Live." The announcer calls and Stevie resists the urge to jump up and scream for joy knowing that if she so much as moved she'd disturb her three sweet little angels. 

"Thank You, thank you so much. This ugh, this is my second Grammy. I won one for my album Rumors back in 1979 after just breaking onto the music scene and now this one celebrating my legacy. I um, I just want to thank my Wife Stevie. For loving me, and always making me dress to impress. Who I wish was here with me tonight but she's at home with our children. I want to thank Aubree, Tenely, and now Wesley, for understanding that Daddy needs to go away for work a lot and for putting up with me being gone for so long at a time. I um, want to thank the label for pushing me to do this, and I want to thank the fans for paying attention and buying the album. This was the perfect way to go out. I'm going to be taking some time off to raise my kids. And I'm so excited that I'm going out with a bang. Thank You All, and Steph I'll see you soon. I love and miss you so much. Kiss the baby's goodnight for me." Lindsey gives his speech and then makes his way backstage. 

Stevie slightly dances in her spot on the bed before Wesley stirs and she looks down at him ready to jump into action before he wakes his sisters. She quickly grabs at the premade formula bottles that she had on the nightstand and starts feeding him. She watches him while he suckles happily and she just takes him in. He still looks exactly like Lindsey, his hair has even started to darken since he's been born. Stevie has him dressed in a black and white striped sleeper with a little blue elephant patch on the front. She's got a blue fuzzy blanket with fish on it draped over him for warmth. 


Stevie wakes up to a pair of lips pressing agianst her forehead.

"Hey, I thought you'd be in New York for another day." Stevie smiles.

"I left right after I won my category. I won it Steph." He cheers quietly.

"I know I was dancing in my spot. I wanted to jump for joy but I didn't want to disturb the children." Stevie sighs.

"The only problem is that now I can't fit in the bed." Lindsey chuckles.

"Mmm yeah, you can, move Aubree. She sleeps like a rock." Stevie smirks.

"I know," Lindsey chuckles discarding his suit and crawling in bed next to Aubree. 

"Congrats for your Grammy my love." Stevie leans over slightly and kisses him.

"Yeah it was pretty good to get the Grammy, but the biggest prize is right here. I love you Steph." Lindsey smiles.

"I love you too." She grins.

"And I love them, here let me take him so you can scootch down some." Lindsey offers holding his hand out for the baby.

"I love you." 

"I love you." 

The End

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