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November 8, 1993

Though Stevie felt very exposed in the paper robe they had her in, she had found a comfortable position on her back on the examination bed. She was dizzy when they drew her blood so that's why she laid back in the first place but she was falling asleep as Dr. Thompson walks in and laughs.

"Well, at least you're already in position." She chuckles.

"I am so tired it's not even funny. My husband's on tour, I'm pregnant, and I have a two-year-old." She states sitting up slightly on her elbows.  

"Well, put your feet in the stirrups. I'll do my exam and we can get down to the nitty-gritty as fast as possible." Dr. Thompson smiles. 


It wasn't long before the doctor flipped the computer around and Stevie saw the small alien-like creature.

"Am I right in saying eight weeks?" Stevie questions.

"About eight or nine weeks yeah. Everything looks good, the baby's heart and development. Once we get your results back you'll be able to leave. We just want to check your estrogen and progesterone levels things like that. You, are forty-four...the only thing I want to warn you about is high blood pressure. With your age that won't be good for your baby. Right now, your blood pressure is fine though so I'm not really worried about it, but I do have to tell you just so you are aware." Dr. Thompson informs her.

"Alright, I think I'm going to take some time off work as I did with Aubree. I don't know if I'll go into hiding this time, but it was nice just getting to be home and sketching during my pregnancy. And I'd like to spend some time with my baby girl. Especially because she's not going to have all of our attention anymore." Stevie states accepting the pictures that the doctor printed out and sitting up straight. 

"And I think that's a good idea." Dr. Thompson nods. 


When Stevie gets to work, she goes about her day without any faults and when she gets home she immediately swoops her daughter up into her arms. 

"Brittney, can I talk to you?" Stevie asks.

"Sure...what is it?" She questions.

"Lindsey will be home on the 21st. So we're just going to go back to the call when needed...but with that being said I already need to ask you for a day while I'm still thinking about it." 

"Sure, what day?" Brittney asks.

"December 3rd at 2:30, I have another appointment and I'm making Lindsey go with me...No one knows this so please keep it to yourself until further notice." Stevie starts, Brittney nods, "I'm pregnant." 

"Oh my gosh, congratulations!" Brittney coos wrapping her arms around Stevie.

"Thanks, I'm only eight weeks which is why I'm not telling anyone yet. I could still very well miscarry as I am older, but I needed to tell you in case you get here one of these days and I don't come open the door quickly when you ring the bell it's possible that I'm in the bathroom throwing my guts up...It's where I was this morning." Stevie explains. 

"Alright, are you excited?"

"You know what...I don't know I'm still kind of coming to terms with it. I think it'll hit me more when I actually tell Lindsey." Stevie smiles. 

"How are you going to tell Lindsey? Is there anything I can help with?" 

"You can help me figure out how to tell Lindsey...With Aubree, I just handed him several onesies I had made. He eventually pieced it together." 

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