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March 18, 1991

She was sitting up in their bed, wearing a fucia nightgown and robe, She had the baby laying on her stomach, supervised tummy time, and Stevie was just admiring the little creature. When the baby's head fell she picked her up and drew her knees up to her chest and laid the baby against her legs. She was talking to the baby and pulling little expressions out of her when she felt a hand on her hip. 

"Morning." Stevie states. 

"Hey, what are my two favorite ladies doing?" Lindsey questions.

"We're just waiting for you to wake up. I kind of want to take her to work today." Stevie looks to him. 

"Oh yeah, you go back to work today." Lindsey states.

"I do, which means she's officially over one month old." Stevie states. 

"Yes, as of today she is a month and two days old." Lindsey kisses her little cheek. 

"So can I take her to work?" Stevie asks.

"Angel, she's yours you can do whatever you want. I want to write some stuff anyway." Lindsey laughs. 

"Yay! I have the cutest outfit to put her in." Stevie cheers leaving their daughter in his capable care and making her way to the nursery. 

Lindsey had done it up over Christmas and she was absolutely in love with it. The walls were a mint color and they had pink chiffon curtains in the window. There was a brown mahogany crib, dresser, and changing table. The cribs sheets were mint and pink zigzags and Stevie had crocheted a pink blanket to go with it. It was bright and colorful, totally different from Stevie's normally dark persona and that was the best part. 

When she made her way back into the bedroom Lindsey was holding her in his arms and walking around the room. 

"Was she fussy?" Stevie asks.

"No, I just want to rock her a little bit." Lindsey states as Stevie places her hands on his abdomen and stands on her tiptoes to kiss him. 

"Do you want to dress her or do you want me to dress her?" Stevie asks holding up the diaper and clothing in her hand. 

"I'll get her dressed." Lindsey smirks moving to the bed to lay her down. 

She was giving a gummy grin and kicking her little feet as Lindsey unbuttons the grey and white polka-dotted sleeper. 

"Steph, it's 70 degrees out, why do you keep her in these fuzzy things. I'm surprised she's not overheating." Lindsey asks taking the sleeper off of her completely and grabbing at the baby wipes on the bench by the foot of their bed. 

"Because though it may very well be 70 degrees outside. It's only sixty-three in here, and while that's a good temperature for you and me, that's a cold temperature for her and we are not putting a blanket in with her until she is one." Stevie replies watching him change her diaper. 

When he had her snug in the diaper he holds his hands out for the articles of clothing in her hands. She hands him the onesie first. It's a white soft fabric in the form of a tanktop with burgundy, blue, and yellow flowers on it. Once he has her in that, she hands him a burgundy cardigan and then finally a little bow in the same fabric of the onesie. 

"Alright, little miss you're all dressed. Daddy got you all dressed." Lindsey coos to the baby and kisses her little cheek pulling gurgles out of her. 

"Will you be able to handle her while I get ready?" Stevie asks rubbing his biceps.

"Of course we will. I think it's about time she eats some breakfast so we'll go down and have a bottle and we'll get your car seat all ready. Yes, we will." He baby talks to her.

After Stevie's shower, she's staring at herself naked in the mirror. She's four weeks postpartum and though she still has a saggy, flabby tummy it's not horrible, she just has to figure out how to dress it so it doesn't look bad. Biting her lip she decides on a burgundy chiffon skirt and a black three quarter length sleeve blouse which she tucked into the skirt. It hid the small pouch well enough and she kind of matches her baby.

She gathers everything she's going to need for work and the diaper bag and when she makes her way down to Lindsey, he was rinsing out the bottle and she was sleeping. 

"Did she pass out right after the bottle?" Stevie asks grabbing at her baby wrap off of the counter and shoving it in the giant diaper bag. 

"She always does," Lindsey replies handing her, her travel mug of coffee. 

"Alright, well we better get going." Stevie sighs. 

"Is today a good day for lunch?" Lindsey questions.

"No...award show season and fashion show season is starting I have meetings up the wazoo," Stevie explains as Lindsey situates the baby in the car seat. 

She hands him the pink crocheted blanket. She had like six more in the bag but she wasn't going to tell him that. He walks her out to her car and snaps the baby in before kissing her goodbye and she heads off to work. 


Stevie had gotten to work early, and she was able to sneak in without anyone knowing because barely anyone was there. When Karen walked in and saw Stevie already sitting at her desk, she jumped about a mile in the air. 

"Oh my god is it already the 18th?" Karen asks.

"Yes, it is already the eighteenth." Stevie nods going back to what she was drawing up. 

"Well, that makes sense as to why today is jam-packed with clients. And that also explains why the department heads are all lingering outside your door." Karen states.

Stevie just nods and motions to the door. 

They were halfway through talking about the budget when a cry comes from behind Stevie's desk. All of the women in the room perk up at it.

"Well look who's awake." Stevie coos pushing her chair back and swooping down to unbundle the baby. 

Once she has Aubree in her arms the baby girl with her big brown eyes gives a frustrated kick.

"Oh, I know what's wrong. You want mama to change your diaper. We'll just be a moment," Stevie states sliding out of her chair to kneel on the floor. 

She gets a little makeshift changing area ready and once the baby is in a fresh diaper she offers the baby up so she can start wrapping the baby wrap around herself. She spent most of her working day with the baby wrapped to her front and she was even able to dodge paparazzi when she made her way down to her shop in Downtown LA. 

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