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June 27, 1994

As an entire month since Tenley's birth fell upon them, both parents were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Today was especially hard though because it was the first time Stevie was going to be alone with both of the kids. Lindsey had to go on Oprah for something. She didn't really understand why he wasn't doing any work but his manager had insisted. Not to mention Stevie was supposed to be going back to work but she had to push that back a day to accomodate Lindsey. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Lindsey asks.

"No, I'm not sure. But I need to be at some point so I might as well start now." Stevie states standing at the door. Tenley in the baby wrap Aubree off doing who knows what. Playing with her toys hopefully.

"Alright, I love you," Lindsey kisses Stevie.

"AUBREE HONEY DADDY'S LEAVING!" Stevie calls. It takes a moment for the little girl to emerge from the living room but when she does she doesn't look happy.

"Can I go with you, don't leave me with mommy," Aubree begs. She still wasn't on the best of terms with Stevie. It's been causing her to lash out more and Stevie having to put her foot down, but that just worsens their relationship when she does.

"I can't bring you, sweetheart." He shakes his head.

"Will you be back...don't leave me alone with her for too long," Aubree begs. 

"Honestly Aubree." Stevie scowls crossing her arms over the baby wrap. 

"Daddy don't go," Aubree begs.

"I love you." He kisses her head and then pries her off of him and he practically runs out of the door and locks it to make sure she can't open it. Aubree doesn't understand the concept of locks yet. 

Aubree screams and cries at the door for her father and Stevie just walks away. She makes lunch and the tantrum has stopped so she puts the baby in the baby swing and goes to retrieve her to eat. 

"Aubree babe, it's time for lunch. Your macaroni and cheese is done." Stevie states.

"I'm not hungry," She crosses her arms.

"Well, you've gotta eat." Stevie states.

"I'm not hungry Mom." She sasses. 

"Aubree Lynn, come eat now," Stevie demands. 

Aubree just shakes her head and scrunches up her face. Stevie blows out a hot breath and then she grabs Aubree who proceeds to struggle in her arms and then finally, Aubree smacks her in the face. Stevie stops, and then she does something she swore she was never going to do. She smacks her bottom with all of her force. Aubree jolts and looks at her mother with the most hateful, betrayed glare and her little face crumbles before she starts crying. She wiggles out of her mother's arms and bolts up the stairs. 

Stevie stunned herself to the point where she just lowers onto one of the steps going up to the second floor and she looks at her right hand, her left going up to her cheek where her daughter smacked her. Aubree's not that strong so it didn't even hurt her it just shocked her. Her own tears are streaming down her face and she brings her knees up and just starts sobbing. 

She sniffles and wipes at her eyes as soon as she hears Tenley start crying. She attends to her needs and once the baby is asleep she places the baby in her crib and goes towards Aubree's room. The door's wide open and when Stevie gets in there she notices that the little girl had cried herself to sleep. She gulps, but she slowly makes her way over to the bed and gently lifts up the jean skirt and moves her little toddler undies out of the way and she can see an angry red handprint on her daughter's behind and slightly on her thigh. She fixes her daughter's skirt and then she goes back to her own bedroom and she cries.

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