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January 16, 1996

Stevie was shaking in the operating room. She was due to be getting a spinal block but she wasn't letting them stick that giant ass needle that they didn't bother to cover up on the metal tray when she was being escorted in for her C-section without Lindsey present. So she was sitting up on the operating table, crouched around a pillow waiting for her husband. When he walked in dressed in the blue surgical gear she immediately held her arms out to him. He walked to her and he was the one that put her hands back where they were supposed to go and he placed his hands on her shoulders and stuck her to his chest. 

She groaned loudly when the needle entered her back and Lindsey about passed out himself and despite faltering slightly at the injection he kept his composure and shook his head as the anesthesiologist just kind of gave him a forced smile. 

Lindsey helped her lay back on the table and they just stared at each other for a while.

"Lindsey, i'm so scared." She says shakily and slightly weakly the spinal block haven taken a lot out of her. 

"It's nothing to worry about Angel, soon he's going to be here and it's going to be quick and painless and then you'll get to see the girls and they'll get to meet their little brother." Lindsey tells her.

"But I don't have control over this. I had control over the birth of the girls." She sniffles tears pooling in her eyes as the doctor bunches her hospital gown up under her chin and sets up the sheets around her. 

"I know Angel, but it's all going to be okay." Lindsey coos as the nurses give him a chair and he takes a seat next to her. 

He stoops down and kisses her head as the doctor clears her throat.

"Alright, Stephanie we're going to begin can you feel this?"

"No." Stevie answers to the best of her ability. 

"Okay. We're making the incision." The doctor nods. 

Stevie gasps then and Lindsey looks at her, as well as a couple of the nurses. 

"Cold, so cold." She whimpers. 

"Well Steph, your insides are now out in the world." Lindsey chuckles briefly glancing over the sheet, the blood not bothering him half as badly as the needle did. 

"Not f-funny." She states.

"I mean, it's true." He replies bending down and kissing her forehead right under where the hair net is sat. 

"Alright Stephanie, here he is." The doctor holds up the baby as a loud strong cry echoes through the room. 

"He's m-massive." Stevie states. 

"We were right, he's a big baby. Lindsey do you want to cut the cord?" 

Lindsey stands up and takes the baby scissors cutting where he's told and then they take the baby to get checked out. 

After a few minutes, the doctor smiles. "We're stitching you up right now, but you can hold him if you'd like." 

"Yes, p-please." Stevie nods to the best of her ability. 

"Alright, Lindsey if you want to go meet the nurse halfway they're going to unrestrain your hands, Stephanie, but you need to keep them behind the sheet if you don't you can give yourself an infection. Lindsey just place him on her chest. Keep a hand on him to support him as well, she's weak so she might not be able to support his weight fully right now." The doctor instructs. 

"Lindsey does as he was told and carries the baby over to Stevie. 

"Hi Wesley," Stevie whispers when Lindsey places their son on her chest.

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