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Eeeee- Hai! So, this is where I'm going to be posting random little snippets of stories. Enjoy!


Maplemist grunted as she made her way into ThunderClan territory, sneaking around the brambles and ferns along the edge. Her ears twitched, suddenly picking up her pace.
She skidded to a stop, sending dirt flying ahead of her, into a ditch. It wasn't camp, it had weak scents of cats; It was the burial place.
Maple whimpered and sniffed the air, making sure no one was around as she crept into the ditch. She followed her own stale scent, coming across a grave. It had multiple flowers strewn upon it, with a label on the rock; 'Poppydapple. Mate, mother, friend.' Maple stood there, reading the label slowly. Her ears flattened, murmuring. "I get it now, that it's too late..." She pressed her nose on the label, engraved in by claw marks, her spine fur bristling with mixed emotions. "I never stopped feeling guilty.." Maple closed her eyes, and the memory came to her.

How she carelessly decided to attack her sister. She remembered the terrified look on the other she-cat's face the moments before she was slammed into the ground head first. Maple had thought she was only playing, but when her body seized and blood started to spill from her mouth, she had the terrifying realization she had killed her sister. Her own kin. Who had been by her side to support her, so many times.

Maple came back to reality, whining as her claws dug into the soil. She sighed, refusing tears as she layed down, curling her tail over her paws that she tucked into her underbelly. "I'm not over it, I promise that.. I just gotta sing it out of me.." Her voice hushed to a murmur, where her voice cracked from her tears.

Another memory. Poppy and Maple were kits. Maple had thrown a moss-ball too high and it slammed onto Poppy's head, trailing down her body and resting as a cloak on her shoulders. Poppy had squeaked, trying to turn around and look at it, before Maple stopped her. "Hey! It's cute on you!" She had squeaked to her sister, who shifted her shoulders with a shy smile and thanked her.
It flashed, now the two were apprentices. Marigoldpaw was by their side, the three having been close friends as apprentices. Poppypaw ran ahead of them and snagged something out of the ground, glancing to Maple and Marigold. "Mari! Put this around my ear, please?" Poppy squealed as she approached the golden she-paw, holding a oddly-shaped green flower. "It's a green rose..?" Marigold chimed in as she wrapped the stem of the flower around Poppy's ear, using her claws and teeth. Eventually, she pulled away. "There." Poppy squealed, spinning in a circle as if she were to lay down before gazing to her kin and Marigold. "How do I look!?" Maple smiled at her kins enthusiasm, purring. "You look amazing, sis!"

Maple was snapped back to reality once more, unable to hold the tears back as she shakily smiled. "You looked so good in green.." She recalled a few times Poppy as a warrior had found a green plant and put it into her fur or on her head or in her jaw, and she still looked amazing. Any tom-cat could fall for her. "I hope you're well.." Maple sighed, her tears trailing down her fur as she stared at the engravings. She laid her head down onto the soil, sighing.

Recently, her dreams would be of her battling the soul of her sister in StarClan. As much as she didn't want to fight her, it seemed like she was forced. She could never refuse attacking the StarClan cat, despite all of her will to stop. This is her main reason for not sleeping anymore at night, she would always stay awake, for fear of fighting her sister.

Maple blinked as she remembered her sisters kin. Weasel, Timber and Starling. She was caught in memory of the tom who had been the father immediately leaving the clan once Poppy told him so, and that was the time for Maple to take on the older sister role and protect her. "And you looked so good with him.." The words lolled off her tounge half-heartedly, still upset over how he had ditched her once he found out he had kin. The thoughts drifted to the kits that came from the litter, causing Maple to smile once more. The three were so successful now, and had a father figure thst happened to be Ice. Maple still envied Ice for the life he built and choices he made, but, she's in a different clan now. He's not her problem unless he somehow affects ShadowClan. "And I'm proud of you still.." Maple murmured, recalling the kits now. She remembered how Tornlegs had said Weaselpaw is Weaseltuft now, having got his name at the last meeting. She imagined how Poppy would've reacted if she was there, a proud and excited mother.

Another memory flashed in her head.
They were warriors now. They both had decided to get flowers in their ears. Poppy had a green rose, while Maple had a red rose. They were striding in Greenleaf, laughing and smiling. Maple had her eyes closed as she laughed with Poppy, and suddenly her paws treaded on something rough. She opened her eyes to a screech from her sister, and she was roughly shoved away. She hit the soil with Poppy next to her, eyes wide with bewilderment. Maple soon realized the thunderpath was infront of her, and she was just about hit by a monster if it hadn't been for Poppy. Maple shoved herself into Poppy's fur, who loudly whined and nuzzled her desperately. They sat for a while before Poppy touched her nose to Maples ear and frowned. "Your flower flew off.." Maple lifted her head and looked to the thunderpath, where remains of the flower lay scattered. She treaded onto the path lightly and picked up the petals, scattering them in her fur with a smile.

Maple came back to reality and blinked, treading out of the den and grabbing a rose before rushing back, laying it at the grave with a weak smile as more tears filled her eyes. "Take care of my 'shirt'.. Warm and red.." She shoved her muzzle into the dirt as her tears cascaded down her face, voice breaking more. "I hope you think of me still as your friend...!" Maple was desperate for the acceptance of her sister, even after what she did to her. She loved her sister, they were the only kin of their litter, she didn't mean to kill her. It was her stupid mistake thst Poppy is dead. It's all her fault.

"I hope you love yourself..!" Maple continued as she lay pressed into the dirt, eyes squeezed shut. She knew she was destined for the dark forest after Poppy's murder, but the other didn t need to suffer from it. She was comforting herself as well as trying to comfort her kin as she had done all those moons of being inseparable. "Your body and heart...!" Maple lifted from the soil, a few of her tears having fallen onto the rose. She glanced to the flower and dug a bit at the soil on the grave, placing the long stem with the roots still attached into the ground before covering it. Just infront of the stone. "I hope you feel happy.." Maple whispered, her tears unstoppable at this point as she imagined her kin looking down on her, her voice breaking as she mustered out. "That's all... I.. want.." Maple weakly smiled as she bursted into sobs, her head bowed down and body tense with fur fluffed out.

Her kin was happy now. That's what she believed. And would believe until she went to join the dark forest she pictured herself fighting Poppy in, or with some miracle, she joined Poppy in the bright light that is StarClan.

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