~Piece By Piece~

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Another warrior cats thing, this is the short continuing story of Rockykit, a dog adopted into the clan by two apprentices, Featherpaw and Dawnpaw, alongside his 'littermate', Cinderkit, a lynx abandoned by her family as well.


And all I remember is your back

He blinked as he stared up at his father, his earliest memories, huddled at his mother’s stomach while they bickered, before his father turned out the small flap door and left.

Walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past

His father was black and brown like himself, while his mother was a dark grey color, resembling their father, but a different shape and size. He sighed and huddled into his littermates, all of them different colors, but a mix of father and mother. Only he looked exactly like his father.

I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you

It had been two nights since father left. His littermates had teased him for looking like father and saying he would be exactly like him. He had left through the flap door, stumbling after his father's scent, usually tumbling over about each step.

I begged you to want me, but you didn't want to

He found his father in the alleyway, laying with a different she. He followed his father and the strange other she for about a few months, before he was abandoned in this large ‘no-fur’ object. He had desperately tried to get out, and failed, giving into his new shelter.

And all of your words fall flat

A few weeks after being abandoned he heard his father’s familiar bark and the scared whines of the other she he had been with, snarls of no-fur arising past the sounds. After a while of scuffling, a loud sound happened, his ears ringing from the sound. He heard a thud on the floor and a foul scent rised to his nostrils, an impulsive whimper coming from his jaw. He heard the scared yelps of the other she and paws scuffling, heavy no-fur footsteps following after.

I made something of myself and now you wanna come back

Days later he had laid his head down, blind now because of the muck stuck onto his eyes. Sleep soon grasped him like a claw, and he woke to his father looming over him. He growled at the figure, knowing he was dreaming.

But your love, it isn't free, it has to be earned

“Son, you look like me. If you allow me to, I can control your fate. You’ll turn out like me, and be the most powerful here.” His father barked at him, thrusting him to his paws with his muzzle. He snapped back with a growl, shaking his head. “I won’t, father.”

Back then I didn't have anything you needed so I was worthless

He glared at his father, and soon awoke to scuffling outside and a different language he had never heard. It wasn’t his own and it wasn’t one of the no-furs. He barked and whined, whimpering, trying to be as loud as he could. The presumed words stopped, and he heard scuffling as it approached. He didn’t know what it was, but he kept making the sounds, desperate to get out of the no-fur object.

But piece by piece, he collected me up

He felt the object he was sheltered in move as paws scuttled onto the edge. He squirmed down in the piles of trash and no-fur mini-objects, his limbs unusable from less use. The pile he was on vibrated as the bigger creature leaped down and made a sound to him. He didn’t understand the sound, but it soothed him, which made his motions stop.

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