~Never Say Goodbye~

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On the other side of the lake I knew

Small’hiss purred as she padded along the border of ThunderClan and the edge of the twolegplace, her tail waving.

Stood a girl I know it's true

She lifted her head as she saw a black she-cat sat atop the fence, a bright blue collar hung around her neck. She leaned closer to the ferns, her ears lifted.

So what else could I do?

Small’hiss purred, her paws dragging her to creep along the ferns closer to the kittypet. She crept the fence, carefully watching the shecat.

So I said hi to you

“Hai!” Small’hiss popped out of the bush, accidentally startling the kittypet. She fell off the fence with a hiss, whipping around to Small. “Er.. Sowwy.” The warrior murmured, watching as the kittypet settled with a soft smile.

Three years and it went great

Small purred as she brushed up against Jess. The kittypet she met three moons ago today. They were celebrating, curled up with a look to the ocean in a small hut.

Our house by a lake

The hut was built by Jess’ twolegs, built to protect against the weather with windows covered by glass with a single entrance. It had a place where you put your paw and it would open. Although, they had dug a secret exit and laid a quilt over it so nothing could know it was there.

Sunset of another perfect day 

Small’hiss settled into Jess’s fluff, the pale sunset light filtering in through the window, purring gently as she felt the other shecat press her muzzle into Small’s scruff.

Oh but that one night

A sick feeling entered Small’s stomach, twisting and turning it in knots, which made her gently growl out of unease. Jess seemed to notice, because her head tilted. “Something wrong, Small?”

It didn't feel right

Small snarled, leaning further into Jess. “Something feels off today. I don’t know what it is..” She murmured, glancing up into her red eyes.

Cause there was something

I wasn't trusting

Jess nodded, brushing into the other with a purr. A shuffling sound was heard outside, the two she cats lifting their heads to the sound, sudden fear striking through Small.

A face at the window well

Growls emerged and a cat pressed against the window in front of them, jaws agape, eyes glazed as if it was dead. Jess screeched, slamming herself against the wall out of fear, eyes wide. “What is that!?” Small yelped, digging herself into Jess’s fur.

It scared you half to hell

Jess stared out at the window and the creature growling at it. “H-Half!” She yelped, her ears pinning against her head. Small’hiss blinked and noticed the massive gash along its eye, and assumed that’s where whatever it was got the name.

Might be a long night I can tell 

More growls and snarls were heard as more thuds came against the house, causing the two she cats to cower in the center, far away from the walls. “S-Small, what are we going to do?!” Jess squeaked, pressing herself into the other she.

Stories!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon