The change

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"Daddy that looks like fun. May I do that next time?" I asked Jason with a sweet smile. He picked me up and he walked back to his toy shop. I was very happy that I was with him.
(Y/n) pov

Jason had held me all the way to the shop. Candy Pop was waiting and laying down on a bed of stuffed animals. Jason set me down and I ran up to candy Pop. He helped me get on top of the pile. I started falling asleep.

"Candy don't do it again." Jason warned. I knew why he warned Candy because of the dream earlier this night seemed like years when it wasn't.

"I won't Jason. Sweet dreams little gum drop." Candy Pop says. I fell into a deep sleep.
Jason's POV
(Y/n) was asleep. Jason was angered a little bit knowing she was next to Candy Pop. Jason did not trust him in the slightest. He had a habbit of tormenting young ones in their dreams. Jason knew he did the same to her already tonight. Something was different in his actions tonight. Jason was not sure what kind of mood he was in yet.

"Jason your staring." Candy Pop saying in his jokingly voice. Jason had not heard that since before he took on the dark king. Candy was petting (y/n)'s hair. She looked so cute. Jason looked away and started making her a new dress. He wanted to change her outfit from the one she was currently wearing.

"Candy what changed you tonight." Jason asked knowing this was probably just an act to let his guard down.

"She changed me. She is more like us than either of us knew." Candy said cheerfully. Jason paused knowing now it was not an act. He fell for the charm of a child. That Jason knew has never been done with both beings in one body. Jason looked at Candy who continued to stroke (y/n)'s hair. This child managed to do the one thing that was not even imaginable.

"Candy you know what you said is not even supposed to be possible. Right?" Jason said sternly. Jason was very cautious about what Candy was doing and saying.
Word count: 374

Memories altered (Jason the Toymaker X Child Reader/ Reader)Where stories live. Discover now