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The drive is silent as Elle looks out of the window and Tre follows the GPS to the docks. His mind drifts to the first time he'd seen her, then the second and third and how he wanted to throw her out the apartment. He hadn't taken time to reflect on how much he changed. She wasn't just a quick nut - in fact he couldn't remember any woman he'd spent as much time with as he did with Elle. Her bratty, extra and spoiled ways amused him; and somehow for her sake he could put the thoughts to doing Luca in aside. It was a miracle he didn't suit up and handle it swiftly and discreetly. It was a miracle he hadn't beat Luca to a pulp during the meeting - just knowing what he'd threatened to have done to Elle.

"Ill be fine" Elle asserts making Tre scoff.

"He's in love with you Elle, and he's done some fucked up things already he isn't in control." Tre reasons. "He wants you still, after you took him to court, made him look stupid in front of his business, kept that his wife was having an affair on him. Ran away and closed down their spot" Tre lists having been attentive at all the sit downs. The truth in his words makes Elle feel ashamed - it sounded more shameful out loud. "And I don't understand why you want to see him" Tre reckons sharing his true feelings.

"Because Luca's an asshole with pride and Rinna knew it just as much as I did. She couldn't stand in who she was - she lied. She lied so Luca wouldn't leave her because she wanted him. I don't think she loved Jesse - I think this entire thing has been her trying to ruin my life and she's been pretty successful" Elle reasons.

"Whats that have to do with anything Elle?" Tre asks not following. "You forget that you were in my club drunk out of your mind saying you wished it was you and not Jesse and now where are you? Going to the same person that made you that way" Tre reasons trying to be supportive and protect her at the same time.

"Do you trust me?" Elle asks only for their to be silence on Tre's end. He takes a deep breath gripping the wheel and shaking his head at the question.

"I think Luca knows a different part of you than I do. I think he's gone to bat for you long enough that he's playing the long game and his ideal end is you" Tre swallows.

"And I think saying no could complicate things more than they are already Tre. Luca killed my best friend. Our affair was the spark and Rinna's jealousy was the flame. We don't get her if I don't go"

"We can get her if you refuse" Tre assures making her smile. Leaning over she kisses his cheek before he turns to peck her lips.

"I love you Tre - if things go wrong you have all the authority to handle it like you want but I have to do this." Elle says only to get a reluctant nod of acceptance from Tre. Arriving at the docs he takes a deep breath looking over at his woman.

"Are you sure?" He asks again

"Yes" she asserts existing the car to see a few cars parked in the parking lot, Luca's yacht docked and few people from his side that the recognized. Her father and brother and people she didn't recognize behind her as she walked forward to meet Luca.

"Bella" he reaches to kiss her but she steps back - a sign of disrespect and un-forgiveness.

"Don't you think you've made yourself a fool for women enough?" Elle asks daring to look him in the eye in ambivalence. He leans against his car in an attentive and non confrontational stance that Tre reads as intimate a few feet away.

"Bella I meant none of those things I said and I I could go back and change m actions I would - but I can't" he reasons playing the game well. In spite of what he thought it was always a little bit of a game for her - even though the feelings between them grew into something more. The sneaking around, the parties, the forbidden aspect of it was her forte. Tre had been wrong in his assessment of them. Luca knew the superficial Elle. All she'd needed when they were together was attention and presents.

"Look the yacht is yours, take your pick of the cars, we can stop sneaking around just forgive me." Luca pleads but its to no avail.

"Wheres Rinna?" Elle asks reminding him of the reason she'd agreed to this meet up and he turns to Sal nodding and Sal walks across the lot handing something to her father.

Lucas eyes narrow in on Tre - having seen him too many times now to ignore and having heard enough to piece together his feelings for Elle.

"Why did you bring him?" Luca asks unable to restrain his feelings.

"I don't need permission"

"But you bring the guy you're fucking to our meeting" Luca chides with his bruised ego. He's all bravado.

"Fucks me better than you did" Elle smiles. "Bigger than you are too" she adds with a sly smile provoking him. But Luca doesn't lose his cool. He smiles its why he'd fallen for her in the first place - she was never afraid to push him. She didn't fear him like his wife did. She didn't worship him either.

"Really? How long before you get tired of pretending you're a good girl and want all the stability of a normal life - because thats all he can give?"

"Did you ever love Rinna, you just gave her up to people who intend to make her suffer"

"No ones suffered more from her actions than us" his words sting - somehow after all this time Luca was the victim. "Oh, so you think its been peaches and cream Elle?" He asks. "My men don't trust me like they used to - their favourite spot is closed. I wouldn't let any harm come to you during the trials that shone a spotlight on me which was dangerous."

"You caused the trial!" She snaps in reminder and he sighs.

"My wife told me she was being blackmailed and raped"

"Would I be best friends with a rapist? Your wife rapist?"

"No but you'd be loyal to him and not me. The man you were in a relationship with. You didn't tell me they were fooling around." Luca snaps.

"It was none of my business Luca - please, lets just agree to disagree?" Elle swallows turning to her father and giving him a thumbs up to see if they have Rinna and he nods in response.

"Bella" Luca grabs her arm as she turns to walk away his eyes are almost desperate.

"I have something that will change your mind if you promise to be with me - let the past go and we can move forward"

"Luca, I don't think you understand that I hate you. You took something irreplaceable away from me."

"But you're still here, still strong and beautiful - there's a reason for that. I found out the truth from ring after interrogating her - would have killed her myself"

"But what?" Elle inquires taking her arm back.

Elles heart stops the second she hears crying from inside Luca's car and he smiles like everything will be alright between them.

"Promise to be with me" he repeats as tears begins to blur her vision.

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