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Tre sits in his apartment. It wasn't that long ago, but somehow, now it felt like a distant past. He smiles at the memory of the snooty, bitchy and impossible neighbour that he regretted allowing to move in. Tears fall slowly at the memories. He'd been distant for a reason back then - even if it was without knowing. He lost people, the people he found himself caring for almost never stuck around. It had happened all through childhood; turning his heart as black as his nickname.

Elle had never been afraid of the darkness.

Her fearlessness was the second thing that stood out to him. Any woman that spoke to men the way she spoke to him despite his tone was either crazy or had more nuts than most of the fools he found himself coming across. Black never got tested and there was no place for Tre.

It wasn't strength like he thought it was. Black was his armour, the armour he realized was no longer with him after getting a shitty report from Elles doctors. From seeing the bags under Nico's eyes and hearing words like paralyzed and critical damage.

He had to remove himself from the hospital before going full on John Q and forcing them to take care of Elle. He needed them to bring her back, just as she was before.

Theres a knock at his door and he stands regretting every moment he chose to be doing something other then spending time with her. He wipes his eyes seeing Rico on his screen before letting him in.

"She's not gonna die B" He says just as exhausted. "Turns our the politician isn't completely good for nothing. His family is serious in the medical field - like three of the top whatever doctors pulled up. She won't die" he smiles. Tre nods too burdened to force a smile. He needed her to live just as carefree as she had before. He'd take anything but this.

Tre sits on his couch all out of words.

"I can't bury her" he whispers finally.

"They're talking about moving her, I think the hospital's shit for all of our nerves" he admits.

"No shit" Tre agrees.

"I thought I'd check on you before I run some errands. Bring you some lunch - Elle would want me to be my brothers keeper" Rico smiles setting the food on the coffee table and holding out his fist for Tre to pound. He does.

"Appreciate it" He nods getting up and locking the door as his old friend leaves. He gets Elles keys heading up to her apartment and looking around.


Elle's eyes flutter open allowing light to stream in as her consciousness crescendo's to comprehension. The incessant beeping she can't seem to escape is gone. She's clutched by panic for a moment before the needle from the IV pokes her confirming her existence. She smiles having escaped the upper room for another day and feeling much better than the days past? Maybe weeks? She considers having no concept of time.

Looking around the dimly lit room she feels oddly comfortable noticing the accents replicating her apartment.

From critical care patient to princess.

Its a mood booster.

So is the sight of Tre asleep on a couch across from her bed.

His beard overgrown, his mouth slightly open, a soft snore. He looks peaceful, not as worried as the fuzzy images archived in her memory.

The clock says its six in the morning.

Reaching for the box of tissues is a trying task that leaved her out of breath and slightly dizzy. Refocusing Elle swallows smiling at her idea. Reaching with her good arm not confined by the IV she removes her hair tie. Placing it in her hands she pulls back making sure to get maximum tension and aim pointing the projectile right at his heart.


Bullseye! Tre's eyes shoot open and he's greeted by hushed laughter from his girl. He shoots up immediately not believing his eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing push up's or some other insane form of punishment you call exercise?" She asks. "Its 6:05" she continues slightly out of breath and he's on his feet rubbing his eyes just to be sure.

He doesn't say anything hugging her. He lets go after a few minutes looking her over and Elle holds his hand giving it a tight squeeze.

"I love you" he promises her hands find his beard as he leans his forehead back onto hers pecking her nose, her cheeks and the her lips.

"I know, I love you too" she swallows.

"Hows the baby?"

"Lucky, spoiled, happy" Tre says.

"Good" she smiles. "Maybe I'm in no shape to be a mom now but when I'm myself again I'd like to adopt him."

"Whatever you want" Tre shrugs willing to do whatever it takes.

"how long do I get whatever I want?" Elle asks slower than normal but worlds better than her few word sentences before exhaustion or sleep.

"Did you really just wake me up by shooting me in the chest with your hair tie?" He asks as it registers amused by her balls.

"Wanted to prove, I'm getting better" she smiles yawning again before she scoots to one side of the bed. Tre enters gladly hoppy to hold her after waiting for a change for too long.

"I'm okay Tre, I just needed to rest." She breathes holding his hands on her. He breathes her in kissing the crook of her neck.

"Rest" he comments falling asleep himself with the security of knowing she's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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