Second Act

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"Henry? What happened? Is everything ok? Is she, ok?"

"No, Robin, she is not ok."

Henry could see the change in Robin's expression. His face turned white as paper from terror then red as blood from desperation and anger, thinking nothing would have happened to her if he was there with her. For a split of second, he felt his world crumble apart, picturing what could have happened to Regina without him being there by her side, to hold her and actually not let her go.

Henry got concerned for what he had said and the impact it had on Robin and said, "She's ok, Robin. Nothing happened to my mom. Everything is fine."

"She's inside. She is, uhmm, fine... Well, she's not okay, Robin. She's in pain and I know the only way she'll ever stop being in pain is you."

"Henry", Robin sighted and a rush of agony passed through his body leaving him crushed inside. A long pause followed and the pain he felt only increased. "I can't"

"She thinks it's better if I forget about her."

Henry actually giggled for a second before getting serious again, "She also thought that sending me away with my mom would make me forget about her."

"Right...", Robin kept pounding and trying to figure out what could be the best way to approach Regina, knowing how she could've already rebuilt the walls around her. He wanted to be with her but he was still pondering his decision of doing the right thing by keeping his husband duties.

"Just go inside, man.", Henry said playfully and with a smile on his face.

Robin looked at Henry, what he saw mesmerized him. 'He is still a child after all.' He could see the joy in the boy's eyes, telling him to take a chance. He, then, stopped pacing.

Robin turned to face the mausoleum, Henry standing in front of him, and as he was about to go in, he put one hand on Henry's shoulder and gave it a little tap. Then, eventually, headed inside.

Henry without turning, said "I'll be here if you need me."

"No, my boy. Go home. I need to know you are safe. And I'll make sure she's there, safe, too."

The VaultHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin