Fourth Act

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The second their eyes locked on each other she gave in; to fighting her feelings, to trying to let go, to convincing herself they're better off apart. The simple warmth of his hands on top of hers sent a shiver running down her spine. She was trying so hard to forget the effect his touch had on her and in that moment she realized how foolish she had been. No force on earth would ever match how whole she felt with him close to her.

He worked his hands up her arms until he reached her face, he could just stare at that perfect face for the rest the his life. His fingertips making their way to her lips, brushing over them with a light touch, like he was afraid to brake her. He playfully savored her lips with his thumb, taking a special time on that sexy scar of hers.

She was already crumbling in his closeness, her expression being a mixed of desire and fear. Fear that this wasn't actually happening, fear it would never be real.

He slightly pressed his lips on hers. It was so gentle it made her feel like she was being kissed for the very first time. It felt different. It felt new. Then he retrieved to watch her expression. With eyes still closed, she leaned towards him to return the kiss. She kissed him once. She kissed him twice. She couldn't believe how unique it all felt.

His mouth was so soft and liquid, his tongue tasting like apples with a shot of bourbon. It was electrifying. He flattened one hand on her back, pulling her closer to him. So close no air could run between their flushed bodies. Their kiss grew more urgent, almost taking every breath from their lungs. He was grinding against her mouth while she eagerly played and pulled his hair.

Regina's long lashes touched his cheek as she pulled away and leaned her head on his shoulder. As she shook her head 'no' he embraced her on a hug. He felt that if he let her loose, she was never coming back to him. 'This is wrong', she kept thinking, still trying to reluctantly shake her head, but at that moment she was chained to him.

He pulled her closer to him, and she could actually hear his heartbeat. That sound entering her ears, passing through her whole body, made her shiver. 'I can't stay away from you', she said to herself. 'Don't let me go, Robin.'

As in anticipation to her thoughts, Robin, came closer to her ear and whispered, "I never will". She unexpectedly looked at him, with a question mark in her eyes. He could read her deepest reflections. She was surrounded by a sudden feeling of bliss, that practically took over her body. She felt like she was finally herself. She smiled at him tenderly, and shortened the distance between them with a passionate kiss.

She was happy. Robin was there. He wanted her. She wanted him. Need to say anything else?

He got up and with her still in his embrace, he sat on the chest pulling her near until she sat on his lap. He kissed her, she kissed him back. Very light touches motivating Regina to play with his hair again. While he kept caressing her back, her hands were thirsty for his skin, trying to fight the fabric covering his body was as tormenting as being apart from him.

Observing her attempt to take his shirt off, Robin pulled her up so they both could stand and he managed to help her undress his upper part of the body. She took off his shirt, his belt, his archery belt. When he was going to unroll his scarf, Regina gave him a smirk and said authoritatively, "Leave it on!"

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