Third Act

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"Robin? What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you, Regina!"

"I told you the only way to save your wife is to stay away. It's the only way. So you have nothing to do here." she said that trying to avoid more questions. In attempt to escape his presence, she stood up and turned her back on him so he wouldn't see the pain in her eyes. After a second or two, she turned quizzed and said "But how'd you know I was here?"

"Henry. He..."

She cut him off because she knew how Henry thought. She also started feeling annoyed because everyone's not respecting her wishes to be left alone.

"Ok, what do you need? I'm busy!"

"I needed to see you, Regina! I mean, I needed and wanted to see you!", his voice quavered for a moment until he stopped to take a deep breath.

The past few days he actually debated the essence of his love for Regina. In a fail trial to push his feelings for her away, he decided that what they had and what he felt was only pure lust. 'That's it. It was and is only lust. Right? What I feel for Regina is nothing but carnal attraction. It can't be anything more than this. Right?' He knew it was not the truth, he knew that. But in his mind it was the only way he knew how to cope with how things turned out.

She didn't know if it was proper to look at him or not. She wanted to. She knew that, but she couldn't handle the pain of looking into his eyes and realize once again that he was not hers.

Finally turning to face him, "I can't right now, Robin. I just can't! Not right now!"

"If not now? When, Regina? I'm here because I can't stay away from you any longer.", this time his voice was so much more tenacious, she was actually able to feel his determination spreading through the small corners of the vault. This only aggravated her state, her heart was pounding. And now, it was racing.

He was standing right there in front of her! He was blocking her way out! She didn't have anywhere to run. She started getting uneasy and tensed. He was able to see the fear growing in her body language. The last thing he wanted was to cause her more pain.

"I love you, Regina. And trying to force me to love Marian the same way and forget about you won't work. I loved her once, but my true love is forever you!"

She felt her knees weakening, trying to appear strong in this whole situation took almost every strength she had left so she sat back.

He kneeled in front of her so he could look straight into her eyes.

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