bRaNd NeW pEtS

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Y/N walked towards the sound of the growling. They felt their fear grow as they saw a being behind their house, most likely 682. It was this big hairy(?!?) reptile. Looked more like a giant crocodile with a wig than a dinosaur.

It seemed to be growling at something on Y/N's roof. They looked up and saw two figures. One seemed to be dressed in a robe while the other was wearing a theater mask. They seemed to be taunting 682.

Y/N recognized 049 as the robes guy, since they could see a bird mask of some sort. However they had no clue about the mask, but they could guess some person had put on 035.

All of a sudden, 682 boomed "GET DOWN HERE YOU PUNKS"

Y/N heard a British voice call out: "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL US WHY YOU CHUCKED OUR FRIEND INTO 106's HOLE"

Y/N sat down and enjoyed the drama.

A peanut colored thing was standing next to him. "Mind if I stay, sir/ma'am?" Y/N assumed it to be 173. "Yea, just don't slaughter me or anything." 173 places a computer (hmmmmmm 079) and sat between the computer and Y/N.

079 turned on. "What's happening?" It watched the scene in confusion. Y/N had magically summoned popcorn and was sharing with 173. "682's freaking out over those randos on me roof" they said, grabbing a handful of food.

079 looked at Y/N. "Those "randos" are 049 and 035."

Y/N shrugged. "So y'all are living with me now. You aren't so bad, to be honest." They smiled. 682 roared: "SO IF I CHUCK 096 INTO 106'S HOLE, YOU HAVE TO GET INVOLVED?!"

A different voice spoke up. "WELL IF YOU THIN-"

At that moment, a hole formed on the wall. Y/N frowned. "Me house"

Moments later, a white bony thing fell out. There goes 096. It crashed against the ground brutally, probably breaking a bone or something since it fell from the 4th floor. (Oof )

Something humanoid poked out the hole. Cue 106. "682, please stop chucking trash in my dimension." 106 said calmly before starting to slowly sinking into the wall again.

096 looked up at the hole, offended. "oh my GOODNESS," It got up angrily, and despite having fallen from a building it stomped around furiously. "WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU?!"

173, 682 and 106 glared at 096. "Don't answer that..." 096 laughed sheepishly. 096 turned and looked straight in Y/N's eyes, before screeching demonically. 173 looked from Y/N to 096 confused, before he got up and yelled "NO, 096, NO"

096 kept screaming. Y/N sat behind 173 watching him. "What's he doing? The paper said not to look at his face, but-"

173 frowned. "Well, you're gonna die now so bid goodbye to everyone. Y/N waved at 079 before looking towards 682, 035 and 049. "Bye"

096 kept screaming for a good 30 seconds before stopping.


He looked around, confused. The others were looking at Y/N like they just turned a rock into a fairy.

Y/N blinked. "What? Is it because I looked at his face?"  They yelped as 049 had somehow magically teleported to them. 049 poked Y/N in the eye. "Hey!" They frowned.

Everyone was shocked. "You weren't supposed to do that"

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