olivia black

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Hello so I'm Olivia black, but people call me liv. I do go by the name black, my last name. Or sometimes my middle so my full name is Olivia Lauren black. So I go by a lot of names, and another thing, I am a half copycat. So I get the human part from my mother and the copycat dna from my dad. My parents were killed in a plane crash. I miss them greatly, one I loved them two they would spoil me. I wasn't a bitch through. I never will be. Unless it is called for. So well I am a junior in highschool.

I would be a senior but I got held back a year so my birthday is July 21st. I never liked my birthday. It is just one year closer to death. Yes we are not immortal. We age like humans. But sometimes I will do crazy shit. So for now this is me:

Age: 18

Birthday: July 21, 2000

Appearance: black and white streak hair, blue eyes, pale skin.

Tattoos: music note( right shoulder/ spine)

Piercings: industrial

Likes: football, honest people, books, Stephen king, metal, rock, punk, metal core.

Dislikes: people, fakes, ignorance, liars, any color or shade of pink.

Automobile: black mustang and 1985 Harley.

Style: edgy, gothic rock punk

Favorite color: purple, red, blue, black.

Tapers: .12

So that is me I also said I live alone junior in high school, but before we begin the story I am a loner bad girl. Humans, fertile, some teachers, and dom vampires are slightly afraid of me. And we are getting two new clans transferring to the school. I go to west wood high. This is the most brutal place it is a wolf's den. But well you have to have a bad ass looks and a cutthroat attitude, and your gonna survive. But for now let's move on to the story.

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