Chapter 5

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Y/n p.o.v.
After we paid everything, We split up and decided to meet at the centre of the mall after around 2 hours. Senkuu practically ran to the stores, seeing there wasn't enough time for him to actually look at every single store.

"Senkuu, wait!" upon hearing that, he turned around to face me, finally stopping.


"How many shops do we still have to go?"

"All of them in the mall. This is the biggest and the closest mall that we could go, I don't now when we'll be able to come here, and we need to finish it by the end of this week."

"Can't you just separate it and we could come again tomorrow?"

"...last shop then." He walked over to the shop that he was going before I stopped him.

"Oh my god..." I sighed and followed him.

When we walked into the shop, we saw a old man at the counter.

"Welcolm! I'm Kasaki, what do you need?"

"Hey old man, we need materials for a diy ring." Senkuu was blunt as usual, just like his dad.

"Geez" I thought as that Kasaki guy slowly walked to the back. I hear his voice calling someone called Chrome.

"Hey people! I'm Chrome, what do you need me?" This guy with brown hair walked out of the back room. He looks a bit handsome, like one of those cool anime characters.

"Hi Chrome, we needed (.....) and (...) and (...), I was wondering if you have any of these."

"Hell yeah! We have pretty much everything in here!"

"Cool! Can I have 3 each for ever single material I just told you for?"

"Sure! Just wait a bit for me to get what you needed!" And with that, he sprinted it off.

"He's just like an anime character~~~~"

"He isn't that cooler than me." Senkuu's small comment made me smile.

"Aww, is little Senkuu jealous? Don't worry, you and your dad and my mum are still no.1 to me~~"

"Huh, what made you think i was jealous?"

"Your tone~~"

"Stop with your teasing tone. You know i don't like that. I might as well make you pay for everything."

"Long live master Senkuu--" 360 degree change in my tone, i bowed down to him.

"Get up." His tone may seem annoying, but I know he was trying not to laugh at my change of tone straight after he said I need to pay him.

"Here's your stuff!" We see Chrome sprinting towards us, with the materials we needed in his hand.

"Thanks! How much is it?"

"16000 yen please."

"Wow! Pretty cheap!"

"Yeah, it is." Senkuu walked up to the counter and paid him, before taking all the bags.

"Do you need my help with those bags?"

"No thanks, I'm not THAT weak."

"Haha, if you say so."

"Thanks for your purchase! Come back again soon!" Chrome called at our backs as we walked out of the store.

"Now we go to the bookstore!!"

"Oh yeah your manga. Do you really need them? Can't you just read it online or something?"

"Well, i'm sorry but I don't like reading them online, since flicking pages in real life is much better than reading them online, even though they're free."

"Oh my god you waste money."

"Excuse me? You don't have a say on what i waste my own money on."

"Sure sure. Don't come to me when you're broke."

"I feel like you'll be broke before me, since you never save up money. Besides, I only need something called a set of manga, and last time I checked, that set was on sale."

"No wonder you wanted to buy them."

"Haha." We walked into the bookstore, and i went straight to the manga section, while Senkuu was just following me, bored out of his mind.

"Yes! It's still on sale! Let's go!" I picked up the whole box of manga and he turned around and saw that set.

"What? So fast— WOAH that looks heavy!" He exclaimed.

"Then being the gentleman you are, will you help me then?"

"No sorry, i already have my hands full with the materials from the rings." He showed me. His hands were actually full.

"Alright." I walked to the cashier and paid for the whole set. Soon, we saw Yuzuriha and Taiju together at a sports store. They were looking at shoes."

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Senkuu and y/n— WOAH! WHAT IS THAT?" Even the usually quiet Yuzuriha got loud, and Taiju shouted along with her as well.

"Geez, you're so loud. It's a set of manga that I've been looking at for a while now. The whole set was on sale, so i bought it!"

"O..k.. then what are those bags in your hands Senkuu?"

"DIY stuff." As always, replying with the shortest answer possible without giving away what it was.

"Are you guys done with sock choosing? I can see those aren't socks."

"Oh yeah, we got the socks Taiju needed, but my little brother's shoes has a hole in it, so were looking at shoes for my little brother."

"Wouldn't he coming here to choose better than Taiju and you choosing for him instead? After all, what if the shoes you bought for him wasn't to his liking or he doesn't fit his feet?

"Wait, y/n you do have a point! Ok, lets go now." Yuzuriha placed the shoe she was holding back on the rack from where it was and walked out of the shop.

"This is exactly why i chose you to be Vice President." Senkuu said.

"I know. You trust me, my big brain, my power and my humor haha."

"Well most of them were correct but the humor part was wrong."


Authors note:

Hey guys! I'm busy with school now, so i might be having much shorter stories, but I'll try and upload stuff as much as i could. I'm sorry, but bear with me, i hate homework, and my brain isn;t actually really good, so i need time to figure out what it was happening in my homework. Thanks for bearing with me! Word count 1025~~~

Modern Age -Senkuu x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora