Who invited you?

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Angel's POV

I was so confused when I saw Al, got a new nickname for him, pacing back a forth. I slowly walked up to him
"Hey you ok Al?" I aksed
I swore I saw him flinch and blush at the New name I gave him
"Of course I am my dear! Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled and titled his head in a perfect 90° angle which freaked me out a bit but I didn't let it show.
"Well ya pacing the floor there Pal just making sure you're all good" I said leaning my hips to the side my upper set of arms crossed and one of my lower set of arms was on my hip the other hanging down.
Before Al could say anything yet ANOTHER demon burst through the door but I didn't know them. Al sire did
"Mimzy! Welcome my dear!" Al smiled and walked over. Mimzy hugged him
"Oh I missed you Alastor!"

I felt something weird in my chest.. It sorta hurt when I saw them together and even a bit mad but I shrugged it off. I walked over
"Ah! Mimzy, this is Angel Dust!" Alastor said pulling me over

Mimzy didn't look impressed but put on a fake smile "Why hello there? Aren't you a pornstar?" she said in a slight annoyed tone

So I decided to mess with her by saying
"Yeah, what? Want my services?~ I dont do girls much but I'll surely do you" I said in a flirty voice making her more mad but still didn't show

"Oh no, there's no need for that" she smiled

Alastor didn't seem to notice "Why don't I make something for you two! I wouldn't want my friends to be hungry!" with that being said he left me with her.

Mimzy smiled before she pulled me down by my shirt, since I was taller, and started to whisper loudly "Stay out of my way you slut Alastor is mine."

I smirked a bit "Sorry toots, I don't see your name on him"

She growled before letting me go since Al came over with snacks. We all sat down mimzy holding onto Al's arm like the clingy fucker she was. I shrugged and just ate I could see the annoyance in Alastor's eyes while she ate getting crumbs on him since she was holding his arm

Alastor shot up making Mimzy fall and making me chuckle "Why don't we go to a picture show!" I smiled and got up
"Sounds fun"

Mimzy got up instantly "I'm going too!"

Charlie and Vaggie over heard as they also wanted to go. Husk didn't want to and Nifty was to busy cleaning.

Welp, here we go. To the "picture show" Al calls it. This is going to be fun.

((465 words! Another short episode! I have school and stuff so sorry if I uploaded late!))

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