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Angel stormed off outside where everyone gasped.

Angel hasn't been outside ever since the extermination.

"Get out of here you attention seeking whores" Angel yelled while standing over the reporter his bottom set of arms on his hip with the upper set were crossed under his fluff.

The reporter grinned "It's Angel Dust the pornstar! This is his first sighting after the radio demon went down! Tell me Angel, how do you feel about the Radio Demon's death?"

Angel glared "He's not dead dibshit. So stop saying they and get out of here before I make ya" angel growled and took out his their pair of arms that were holding guns

The reporter didn't seem to care and was about to ask another question before the reporters head got shot.

Everyone flinched.

"What the hell Angel!" Vaggie yelled

"That.. That wasn't me.." said Angel before everyone looked up and saw-

Valentino. (hope I spelled that right,)

"V-Val!" angel said with a shaky voice and trembling body.

Val slowly walked over with a pissed off look "So this is where you've been hiding you little SLUT"

Angel forgot about his job until now..

Angel backed away as Vaggie stood in front of angel with her spear to Val "What do you want" Vaggie glared

Val just looked at vaggie, grabbing her spear before picking her up from her neck

"... Don't. Get. In. My. Way." Val threw her to the hotel wall along with the spear that she managed to dodge before it hit her head.

Charlie yelled for Vaggie and ran to her.

Angel was watching defenselessly.

Once angel was back into the wall he covered his face waiting to get beat but nothing happened..

Angel peaked through his arms to see someone standing in front of him.

His eyes adjusted and he knew who it was as he let out a gasp

It was -

Sorry this was short I'm trying lol
315 words

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