The picture show!

487 17 11

Alastor's POV

I wanted to go to a picture show, not because I wanted to, but because Mimzy kept getting her crumbs on my suit I even stood up without warning just to push her down making Angel chuckle. It was surprisingly cute how he chuckled..

No! Stop!

Anyways, Charlie and Vaggie are coming with me along with Mimzy and Angel. Husk didn't want to come because he just wanted to drink and Nifty just wanted to clean since the hotel was "Filthy" she always said.

(Time skip brought to you by Winston cigarettes )

Mimzy wouldn't let go of my arm the whole way there making me quite annoyed. I was honestly thankful when angel purposely annoyed Mimzy to get her off me while Charlie and Vaggie stayed behind us while they chatted. Once we got there my smile grew a bit wider. I haven't been here for such a long time and missed the place. I glanced over at angel who seemed so beautiful under the lighting it was giving off, but Mimzy ruined my view by stepping in front of me to grab my attention. I, annoyed, looked down at her wanting to kill her but didn't.

"Why don't we make this a double date?" she offered "Charlie and Vaggie can go together and since Angel Dust doesn't have a date we can go together ~" she said Angel's name like it was bitter I glanced at Angel who looked a bit hurt so I happily said

"Charlie and Vaggie can go watch their own movie while we all watch another movie so no one is left out"

Angel's POV

I looked at Al and is offer making me blush a bit but I didn't want to show it so I said "Aw isn't that sweet~" I winked and saw Al blush every so slightly but hides it instantly. I look down at Mimzy who was giving me a death smile. I smiled back and put two fingers between my lips and stuck my tongue out in the middle to tease her. I chuckled

"I'll go get the popcorn" I said walking off without letting anyone tell me otherwise.

While I was waiting inline I felt someone grab a hold of my hips I turned around and saw a horny mutt trying to get my free services. Before I would say anything someone grab the mutt's shoulder - Alastor?- I thought and it was Al was glaring at him as static could me hear making the mutt run away with his tail between his legs. Literally.

"Thanks Al" I said shyly. That was so hot! Ugh why can't he do me! Anyways - Al just nodded

"It's no problem my dear! I wouldn't want you to have a bad experience here!" he smiled the toothy grin

"Where's Mimzy?" I asked realizing the clingy bitch wasn't here

"Oh! I told her to find us seats while charlie and vaggie see their movie"

I smiled and saw that I was next. I went forward and ordered a box of popcorn and some sodas. I was about to pay when alastor gently pushed me aside paying for it and got a 50% off discount due to him being the radio demon

"You didn't have to Al, I could've paid it myself" I said holding the popcorn and the cokes with all of my arms which was useful in these situations.

"Nonsense my dear! How could I let you pay when I want you to enjoy the picture show!" he said in his usual cheerful voice.

I smiled and went to our movie. We say down and I dropped all the stuff off. Al sat in the middle while me and Mimzy sat besides him.

Half way through the movie I had to go to the restroom and once I got back I saw Mimzy kissing Al. I froze and felt tears falling down my face as I ran out the building. I was crying while walking back before someone grabbed me into the alleyway. It was that same mutt but with his friends.

They forced me to the wall and they started to bite my neck and shoulders roughly making me cry out in pain they started to tear up my clothes and rub their disgusting hands all over me. I started yelling out for anyone but mostly Al but they covered my mouth. I kept squirming and yelling before something hit one of the demons off. I glanced to see where it came from and saw Al.

I cried for him as I saw him tear each one apart limb by limb some begging for mercy but he spared none. He soon rushed over to me and cradled me. I felt so relaxed and safe as he covered me with his jacket(suit whatever)

Alastor's POV

When Angel left to the restroom Mimzy tapped my shoulder. I turned to face her as she was blushing and shy like.

"I wanna tell you something.. " she asked looking away

"I-I like you!" and before I could say  anything she kissed me.

I was in shocked especially when I saw angel run away crying. I pushed her off and stood up

"How dare you kiss me without my consent!" I shouted making everyone turn their heads.

"I apologize but I do not like you back now if you excuse me I need to find angel" with that said I left her there.

I was walking down the sidewalk when I heard angel crying and yelling. I ran over to see those mutts touching angel which made me pissed. All I saw was red and before I knew it, bodies were on the floor torn apart. I then remembered why I was there and rushed towards Angel who had bite marks, torn clothes, and some already forming bruises. I cradled him in a protective manner and covered him up. He was shaking making my heart break. I slowly picked him up as he cried into my chest which I didn't mind. I then saw Charlie, Vaggie, and Mimzy.

Charlie and Vaggie were asking if angel was ok and I answered for him since we wouldn't look at anyone since he had his face buried in my shoulder. Mimzy scoffed

"Why are you worried for that slut? He deserved it"

I was mad

"He's NOT a slut. So unless you want me to tear you to pieces like I did with those mutts I suggest you leave us alone before I prove all the doubters wrong that you can. Die. Twice." I said with a low growl. She nodded and ran away. I then carried Angel home whole Charlie and Vaggie followed.

(1115, I to correct some stuff here so.. Anyways enjoy for next chapter! Hopefully as long as this one )

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