5: Matchmaker

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Val's fingers tapped nervously against the bench as he waited for the bout to begin. Koll had arrived early to prepare, having not fought since his morning duel with Val. He stretched and familiarized himself with the training blade provided to him. Val had treated him lightly in their bout and so his friend was unharmed and well rested at the least.

Val had not seen Chiko since the incident that morning. Her handlers must have tightened the leash to prevent further incidents. He'd wanted to distance himself from Koll, to ensure that Chiko would not repeat the ploy she'd attempted earlier. It had been Koll who had dissuaded him, stating correctly that she had already seen them together.

She arrived suddenly, storming into the room without fanfare, training sword already in hand. The official waved her to her respective starting position. Koll moved to his own, bowing respectfully to his opponent. Chiko merely flourished her sword, her pale face set in a sneer of contempt. Koll was unfazed by this, adopting his fighting stance. Chiko mirrored him, setting herself into a solid July opener. Val realized immediately that something was wrong.

Chiko spared him a glance as the official raised his hand to signal the start. A cold smile crossed her face as his own twisted with rage. She wasn't just going to beat Koll, she was going to humiliate and break him.

Her work began immediately and violently. Koll surged forward, pressing the offensive in an attempt to gain advantage. He succeeded partially, catching Chiko off-guard in mid leap. Val had to appreciate how quickly she adapted to the unexpected aggression. What would have been a high top to bottom slash was abandoned in favor of a kick that landed squarely in Koll's chest, driving him back and down long enough for her to recover.

Again Koll pushed forward, hoping to leverage the marginal brute strength advantage he held. It was the right action, but futile. Chiko changed tact again, using Koll's momentum against him. She crouched, targeting Koll's knees while simultaneously parrying with her sword. As he crashed into her, she sprang upward, her entire strength harnessed in the maneuver. The results were spectacular and elicited a gasp from the crowd now watching the bout.

Koll landed hard, having spun entirely around in an ungraceful cartwheel. He came down head first, barely managing to get an arm out to protect his head as he did so. It was poorly performed, though Val could not blame him for it. As he struggled to stand the arm hung limply at his side. His sword arm was unharmed but Val could tell that the fight was over. Chiko, it seemed, did not share that sentiment. Koll managed to block the first strike but the second upward slash caught him on the wrist. As the blade fell all too slowly to the floor Chiko unleashed a violent barrage of blows on her undefended opponent. Val could only watch as Koll was reduced to a bloody and battered heap before the official could intervene.

Koll was conscious, wheezing terribly and seemingly in immense pain. Chiko has withdrawn to her corner, the official standing between her and her ruined opponent. A medical team was shouldering its way through the crowd toward... A gasp went up, causing Val to return his attention to the room.

Koll was attempting to stand, his sword remaining on the floor where it had fallen. He looked directly at Chiko, mouthing something inaudible to Val, then turning and limping toward the exit. Whatever he had said, it had an immediate effect on its target. Chiko screamed with rage, leaping over the official in her pursuit of Koll. Something flashed within Val's mind, a sudden sense of impending danger. He reacted without thinking, his hand moving before his mind had caught up.

Chiko flew back as an unseen hand met her mid-leap. She rolled with it, attempting to land on her feet but unable to fully recover with her arrested momentum. Instead, she struck awkwardly and tumbled, landing in a heap at the far side of the room. The two guards entered, drawing stun sticks more for intimidation than to actually quell her. Chiko stood, seeing the approaching guards. With a motion like an exaggerated two-handed clap, the two guards were suddenly crushed together by an unseen force. With another wave of her hand, the official himself was launched violently into the transparisteel. Nothing stood between Chiko and her prey.

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