12: Homecoming & Departure

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Korta thought he was a madman, at first anyway, but as Val had continued to explain, the old man had come around. Now Val was merely a fool, but a fool was sometimes useful. It was a bit foolish, Val had to admit that to himself. Chasing an unknown enemy agent into the darkness of the outer rim was a task for a fool.

He had the ship's hyperdrive signature, ID pin and name via the Triumphant's security sweep system. The Reward was not registered in the Triumphant's shipboard database and therefor could not be tracked to any known residence system. Korta had an answer to that particular problem, contacting the governors of systems along the projected hyper lane routes and implementing a trace for all ships matching the ID.

It had taken weeks, but the Reward had been sighted. The first report had come from Corsin, the second from Taris, from which it had departed toward Bandomeer. Val had left the day the report arrived. After a short farewell to Kavos and Chiko.

She was still recovering, the slow process of regrowing the destroyed tissue leaving her in continual discomfort. He wished she could accompany him, but was also glad that she hadn't. What would his family think? How could he explain the change in her, in both of them. It had been two years since Ben's death, but Val doubted if time could ever heal that wound.

He smiled with satisfaction as he dropped his fighter out of hyperspace. From orbit in the light of the fading day Taris truly lived up to its title. The bronze-gold metal ubiquitous across all construction on the planet glittered very much like a jewel. He dropped into orbit at flank speed, heading directly for home.

The palace came into view within seconds after breaking through the atmosphere. Val took in the sight, decelerating and preparing himself. He keyed the comm, contacting the command center in the palace. "Imperial Palace, this is Knight Kidann requesting permission to-" Val was cut off before he could finish. "Val?" Came a familiar voice. It was Koll, Val realized after a long moment. "Koll?" Val asked to confirm. "We weren't expecting them to send you! You're father is going to-" Now Koll was cut off as a girl's voice broke over the line.

"Val!" Zeya said, obviously shouting with excitement. Val had to suppress a laugh, now on final approach to the top landing pad. "Heya Zey." He responded in a placative tone he deserved for her alone. "Koll I really need to know if I'm cleared or not." Val added seriously. "Of course you are Val, it's your home." Val's smile faltered slightly as he thought of the last year. Would it be if they knew about Chiko?

Zeya had grown taller by nearly half a meter, putting her roughly a head under Val's height. Her personality had scarcely changed at all, to Val's delight. She nearly jumped on him as he dismounted the fighter, his feet barely touching the pad before she'd wrapped him in a hug. Val laughed as she squeezed him with more strength than she intended, glad he was wearing his armor.

Koll maintained a respectful distance, dressed in the uniform of th Kidann palace guard and having filled out significantly since Val's departure, now standing a full head taller and much broader than Val. "You're gonna crush me if you're not careful." Val said with a chuckle, "Has she been wrestling Gammoreans or something?" Val asked Koll. The towering young man chuckled, "She's a terror sir." Koll said, a smile on his face but his voice serious.

Zeya turned and scowled at Koll, rolling her eyes and giving him a mock-threatening gesture. She turned back to Val and gave her best you will tell me everything smile. Val crossed his arms, awaiting the barrage of questions that was sure to follow. "Sowhatwasitlikeintraining, didyoulearnanythingreallypowerful, didyoureallyvisittheImperialPalaceandmeettheemperor?" She managed in a span of time Val could scarcely believe. He smiled as the perfect response came to mind. "Yes." Val replied. The shade of red she turned was worth the kicking she gave him.

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