{°9°}Another Day

338 5 14

We finally got home and I swear I was so close to losing my voice. 'Ow...,' I thought as I tried to ease my throat with my left hand while my other hand was just dangling

I looked up slightly and saw our little village

"Oh, hey their back!" Someone yelled

"Oh hey!"

"Look their back!"

"Wow they look so pretty!~"

"Cutest girls in town, to be honest"

"Amy and Cream have arrived!"

"Suck my d*ck!"

I didn't know who said the last part but I decided to ignore what I had just frequently heard

"Hey guys we're back!"

All the villagers huddled around us blurted out a whole amount of questions at us but we couldn't really hear all of them so we just tried to pass threw

"Hey guys! Back up and give them some space!" Somebody yelled

He pushed himself threw, showing his face to the crowd


"Back up everyone!" He said as he did a motion with his hands,"Give our hero's some space!"

I woke up from my trance and fixed my hair a little and fixed my skirt a bit

"You alright?" He asked as he turned to me

"Yeah," I said,"I'm fine~"


"We! We are fine!" I said as I turned to Cream to give her a glare

"Great! Now tell us how it went for you girls," he said curiously

"It was great! It really is the best high school ever. Thanks for recommending it," I said

"No problem," he said,"Anything for you-er-both! Both of you! That's what I...what I meant...to say...heh..."

I let out a little giggle

I looked to the side, where Cream was,"Hey, why are so-"


"She's gone," he said

I was talking to Daniel alone this whole time?!

"I-uh-guess that she needed to leave to do homework or something..."

We both giggled and continued talking but I was a bit shy now that I was alone with him

How did she leave without me knowing?


Cream tugged Amy's sweater for the fifteen time,"Amy! I'm hungry! Can we go inside now?"

Amy was completely into the talk she was having with Daniel

Hmph! Fine! I'll leave.

And with that Cream left without a word and without a sound


I bet she's fine but maybe I should go and check on-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard:
"Do you want to take a walk with me?" He said while looking to the side

Am I dreaming?

"You don't have to if you don't want t-"

"YES! Ahem, I mean of course I would," I said a bit nervous

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