{°10°}The Traitor

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Third persons POV

Brandon is a brown hedgehog that works in the most famous restaurant in the village. He plays the waiter in this restaurant. He is 16 and loves his job. Most kids in the village never went to school. Brandon is one of those kids. He has never left the village. He works to help his mother pay the rent and to pay for her medicines she uses. He is a very hard worker, all who know him  are very grateful to have as a friend. Especially one of the traitors.

The time was 3:13 and time to clean some of the empty tables that were outside. He grabbed a moist cloth and cleaned the table. Their weren't that much people around since it was a Wednesday. They usually come in the mornings in these types of days. To add to that, they were having cold weather. He sighed at the thought he might not get enough money today.

'Done for today...I'll ask if my shift is over in a few minutes. Let me just see if everything is in order at the tables.'

He started to walk to the other tables when he felt a chill that went to his entire body. He knelled down as fast as he could and took cover. He felt the strong wind come over his head. He looked up and saw a figure going around the tables. It went around the tables and then went into the forest, it was near the restaurant.

Brandon looked at the tables and they were all organized and the tables weren't wet like they were before. He smiled and took off the piece of black cloth that was around his waist and grabbed a little basket and brought it to the forest. He left the basket next to a tree and took a step forward.

"Hey!" He yelled

He felt a little breeze and sighed. "You're really boring, you know that?" a voice said. He looked at the tree next to him and saw a blue hedgehog with school uniform. He smiled and asked,"Do have any mango's in that basket? I haven't had a mango since...6th grade! Damn I'm old..." He whispered under his breathe. Brandon laughed and bent down to give him the basket. Sonic jumped down the tree branch he was on and landed next to his friend.

"Thanks for doing this. Me and Tails really appreciate your help," he said as he received the basket. "No prob! New basket tomorrow and-Hey where is Tails? Isn't he with you?" "I might've left him back at school...but don't worry! I texted a few seconds ago!" the blue blur smiled. "Alright. He is your brother after all so you know-" he got cut off. "Relax. Anyway, I had something to take care of." Sonic said looking to side. He looked at Brandon and, to his surprise, he had a goofy look on his face. "A girl? OoOoOoo~ How is she? What's her name? Are you two dating yet?" A slight blush came across Sonic's face and immediately hid it. "You're the only one here with a girl! I should be asking how she is. So..."

"So what?" Brandon asked

"How is she?" Sonic said

A few seconds pass and they both break that silence with their laughter. They both talk for a bit and decide it was time to go. "Call me if you need anything!" yelled Brandon. Sonic stopped and turned to his friend, "I almost forgot," he took something out of his pocket,"Here. I know it's not much but I think you need it more than I do." Sonic extended his arm with 20 dollars in his hand. Brandon looked at the money then at Sonic. "No way! I can't accept your money! Nope. No. No way, no how. Take that sin away from me." "Come on! Take it! I saw how it was back their. You need it more than I do."



Brandon sighed and pushed his hand away. But Sonic wouldn't take no for an answer. He took Brandon's hand and put the money with his other hand. "To late!" Sonic teased. "Sonic..." he sighed and thanked him. "Thanks. I'm gonna pay you back. Don't you worry." "You really don't have-" "Nope. I'm gonna pay you back. That's final." They both laughed and said their goodbyes.

"See you tomorrow."

"See ya!"

They both waved to each other,"Remember you owe me for yesterday!" Brandon yelled. "Tomorrow!" he yelled back. "I'll think of a terrible dare by tomorrow! So be scared!"

"Ha! Nothing scares me!"

"You sure bout that!"

They both laughed and walked their separate ways. By doing the things he does for Sonic, he would immediately be known as the traitor. Sonic knows that very well. Sonic and Brandon are good friends. He offers them food and Sonic offers protection for the village. Only a few of Brandon's friends know he is here to protect the village. They are all known as The Traitors. They don't care about the name. They love that they get to see their friends and know that have protection against an enemy that they still fear.

Brandon and his friends help Sonic with everything they got. They are all against the village leader. The village leader despises Sonic and his crew. Even Amy and Cream who has served their new leader with honer. He had two son's that were twins and made one the leader. The other was left behind with his mother and abandoned them like they were a pile of trash. No one knows about these two as brothers except for their parents and one of the twins. Brandon never liked the village leader and when his mother told him at the age of 14 what he was he just despised him even more. He meet Sonic the day he tried to run away from home. They both are very good friends and both had a goal.




To get rid of the village leader.

-Luv yall! See ya in the new chapter~ Hope You like Brandon! Your gonna see a lot more from him~ I hope you all are safe and sound. What do you think of The Traitors?

I will see u in the next chapter~ I will start right away ;)


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