This isn't an update but rather an apology.

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I would like to apologize for the content in this story. Not because it's cringy or just badly written. But because I wrote this at an insanely dark time in my life, many of the things I went through in this were personal experiences and the way I wrote them were me trying to normalize and get through my own emotions via my writings. I really do hate these stories but they're my most popular, and I have a personal belief that when someone goes through something, they shouldn't be forced to stay quiet or be ashamed of where they were at that time.

These stories are a good representation of where my mind was at over the past 6 years, even if I'm not proud of the shitty was i talked about it at the time.

That being said I am truely sorry for any pain or discomfort my own youthful ignorance and plainly idiotic numbness to topics like rape, abuse or self harm caused anyone.

I wish you all well and will be sending you my blessings!


Ticci Toby X O.C.Where stories live. Discover now