Meeting an old friend, accidental peepshow!

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I woke up to hear a loud crash and screaming. My father was home... I sat up and looked around. My room was spotless, but he'd say it was a mess. I was going to get beaten again... I didn't want that, I won't take it anymore! I stood up and walked downstairs. I looked at my father sitting in his Laz-y-boy.

"Dad? I..." I heard him get up and felt him slap my cheek. I let my head turn then I looked at him, I smiled. "I hate you, I hate you for all the pain you've caused me, my mother and you know what? I honestly just HATE you, as a person." I smiled as I said this, my father was pissed. I felt pain, agony and then I fell into an empty abyss of numbing... Pleasure? No, this wasn't pleasure it was just.... A good feeling.

"Do you think she'll wake up?" I heard a little voice ask.

"Yeah, she's probably conscious. Just getting used to her new body that's all." I heard another voice say, this one was female as well, but older. The little one spoke next.

"Miss? Are you okay?" It asked and I cracked open an eye. I saw a little girl, probably 8-10 looking at me with wide eyes, she had brown hair, emerald green eyes and an adorable pink dress with a blue-button eyed teddy clutched in her arms. I laughed.

"My head is killing me, I think I maybe missing some limbs and I just woke up in unfamiliar territory. But other than that? I'm good." They both laughed and I smiled, sitting up.

"Well then, what's your name?" Asked the older one, who had ivory skin, ebony eyes, and a black evening gown with a cream pearl necklace.

"I'm Allieanna Lee but you can call me Allie, and where am I? What are your names?" I asked looking at them, they looked at each other and then back to me.

"I'm Jane, that's Sally. You'll meet the others after we get you dressed and cleaned up." She explained and I nodded. They got me an outfit and let me take a shower and get dressed. They then led me out of the room and into a large living room, where I saw a group of teenagers all sitting playing video games, talking or just watching the others. I looked at Jane and she laughed. Then all of the sudden a tall, faceless man in an Armani suit just... Popped up. Literally. Then he spoke.

"Everyone! Attention!" He yelled over the commotion, yet I didn't see a mouth. His voice was deep, commanding, intimidating, yet somehow, soothing.

"What's up Slendy?" Asked a boy with black hair, ice blue eyes and a bloodstained white hoodie. It was Jane who then spoke.

"We have a new family member, her name is Allie. God you are due for an assbeating Jeff!" She yells pulling out a knife and charging him, he did the same. I just stood there awkwardly, waiting for the next beating. I was shocked when nothing happened.

"Um... Why are you all being so nice? I mean my dad would've had me in severe pain by now..." They all froze, Slendy looked at me and shook his head.

"Child, your father is a sick man then. To beat one's kin is wicked, evil and unjust. We may be killers, but I give my word... None of us will hurt you." He spoke softly, I looked at him and I could feel the tears. No one had ever said something so kind to me, ever. I smiled at Slendy and hugged him. He tensed, standing there awkwardly.

"Thank you! You're the first person in a really long time who was kind to me!" I sobbed happily. Slendy just gently patted my back.

"Anyways child, I would like you to meet the others you've already met Jane, Sally and Jeff. The blond elven creature is Ben, the masked one in the yellow jacket is Masky, and next to him is Hoodie. The dog is Jeff's pet, his name is Smile, the monochrome clowns are Laughing Jack and Jill. The other masked boy in black is Eyeless Jack, he will ask to eat you kidneys, so be weary of him, child." I nodded, mentally noting them. I looked at Slendy, who gestured for me to follow him. I did so, he led me to an upstairs room and motioned for me to enter. I did and he spoke,

"Allie, this will be your room. You don't mind having a roommate, do you?" He inquired. I shook my head, smiling.

"Who will my roommate be?" I asked softly, looking around the room. I notices some axes laying around, and a mouth guard. When I turned to look at Slendy he was gone. I froze when I heard the bathroom door open and footsteps. I panicked and hid in the closet, only for the door to be opened by a freshly showered, naked boy. He was, well, hot! He was muscular, and cute and well endowed... If you know what i mean, I couldn't help but moan at the sight of him. He yelled and covered his... "Privates". I screamed and blushed, knocking him over and running out of the room. I ran past everyone and outside, up a tree, and hid in the leaves.

(Toby POV)

It turned the shower off and opened the bathroom door. I swore I just heard people talking... Oh well! I walked over to my closet and opened it, not paying attention. Until I heard a small moan. I looked up to see a rather cute girl, and I was naked. I yelled and covered up my crotch. She screamed like she was being chased by the devil and plowed me over, running away. I looked after her and saw a blood trail, did she get a nosebleed!?! What the fuck!?! I grabbed a pair of pants and slipped them on, running downstairs.

" WHO the hell was in my room!?!" I yelled at the others, they all looked at me and laughed. "What is so damn funny!?!" Jane was the one who answered.

"That was probably Allie, the newest pasta. And your new roommate! I'm guessing she saw a certain something, judging from the fact you're still wet~" Jane said, causing me to blush. Where'd she go? I looked at the front door, which was open. I walked outside, looking around for Allie. I saw the blood trail lead up a tree, and it was making a puddle, dripping from a branch. Which I guess Allie was on, wait how hadn't sh- *thud* e passed out yet? Oh well, I walked over and picked her up. Wait, why does she look so... Familiar? I thought for a moment and realized, she was Allieanna Lee, heiress to the Demon throne, Lord Zalgo's daughter, and my only childhood friend.... This was Allie, the only girl I had ever loved. And she just saw me naked!!!

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