Flight In The Night

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The Witcher watched the young woman fidget with her fingers, he didn't have time to waste in the small sitting room the only way he was going to be able to defeat the creature quickly was if he got more information, and the main target wouldn't even look him in the eye.

"Where is your room?" He asked and the girl looked up at him, again her eyes looking anywhere but his own.

"I'll show you." She said softly, and stood without a sound, walking out of the room and waiting for him to follow. The broad shouldered man kept his distrusting eyes on the girl, something about her felt off, smelled off, everything about her was wrong. His every instinct was telling him to kill her, his gut was itching for him to kill her. She was walking slowly in front of him her shiny brown hair pulled back in a tight braid, she was a pretty girl. He wouldn't say he didn't find her physically attractive, but everything about her felt wrong to him.

"How long have you lived here?" He asked, his sudden question and rough voice startling the girl

"Five years now," she said softly, her voice was shaking, she was afraid of something. She was so quiet, unsettlingly quiet, Geralt was not accustomed to women who were quiet and reserved. They stopped at a large oak door, the girl opened it and Geralt saw the simplicity of her life all in that room, a single bed pushed up against the wall right under the window that looked out into the garden, a small table beside it, and a tall oak wardrobe against the far left wall. He walked towards the bed looking around the room, he caught the scent of lilacs and apple blossoms from the sheets, the same scent of the girl standing in the doorway behind him. Everything was left as if she had left her room in a hurry that morning. She seemed well enough put together, he turned towards her in the doorway and looked at the other half of the room, it was clean and organized.

"The creature watches me in the morning, through the window." The girl spoke suddenly and Geralt looked up at her for a moment.

"I try not to look at it..." she wrapped her arms around herself tightly

"It frightens me... not that it even matters to you..." she said it rather bluntly, Geralt thought that it mattered enough.

"Hmm." He replied studying everything in the room closely. He started to walk towards the door and the girl followed him, her black dress making a small fluttering sound as she walked quickly to keep up with his long strides. He left the manor and walked towards the girl's window. He studied the ground around it and found small animal bones and the smell of rotting flesh. No wonder her room smelled like flowers, she was trying to mask the stench of death.

"Do all Witchers pay as much attention to detail as you do?" She asked, he looked at a dip in the grass right in front of her window.

"If not they should..." he muttered darkly, the girl took a shaky breath.

"It's silly being afraid of something that hasn't attacked you..." she said quietly.

"You're wrong." He replied darkly as he stood up from where he was kneeling on the ground towering over the girl. She looked so fragile at that moment, whatever was terrorizing her must have been something terrible.

"You should be afraid, if it hasn't attacked you it could mean something far worse." He started to walk past her but her hand shot out towards his elbow, clutching it tightly, her hand was warm through the dark linen of his shirt. He looked down at her and she finally made eye contact, there was a spark between them. The Witcher could sense her desperation, her fear, and he longed to take that fear from her. He wondered what she looked like, when she smiled.

"Geralt, that creature has been crawling into my dreams for the past three months, always watching me, waiting for something. I don't want to know what that something is. Please..." her body trembled and Geralt felt pity for her. What most people thought about Witchers not having emotions was not true, they did, even though they were subdued. She dropped her hand from his arm but he did not move. He looked down at her and saw that she was swirling with magic.

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