The Law Of Surpise

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Geralt and Merrian had moved away from the crowd, standing by the wall at the furthest edges.

"You left Temeria without saying goodbye." He said quietly, looking at the crowd while Merrian stood beside him.

"You know why I had to. I have my own work to find, why do you think I'm here? I'm the protector of Princess Paveta when Calanthe is away. She wouldn't trust this job to anyone else. She's holds the record for keeping me in her employ." She said quietly and Geralt sipped at his ale.

"That's not why you left." He said and Merrian sighed heavily.

"No, it's not." She admitted and he looked down at her, his eyes harsh, almost unforgiving.

"Why did you leave?" He asked and she looked down at her hands.

"I couldn't stand the thought of saying goodbye to you." She whispered and he leaned back into the wall, his expression relaxed.

"Nor could I." He replied and Merrian sighed heavily as she looked at the floor. She heard a few of the lords shouting, shoving each other as they argued.

"You lie, you little shite! You never faced so much as a bad meal in your life, never mind a manticore." Shouted Crach An Creite as the smaller mousy haired lord stood up against him.

"I've had manticores thrice as fat and ugly as you perish under my steel!" Merrian couldn't help but scoff at their argument, Geralt watched in curiousity.

"Under your bullshit, more like. How many stings has it got, then?" Merrian didn't have to wait for Lord Tinglant to answer

"Two." He answered confidently and Crach An Creite have him a hearty laugh.

"Hah! Go away and shite! It's five. I know.  I've actually killed one." They started to shove at each other and Merrian stood up straighter as she was about to settle the whole argument when Calanthe shouted above their tussle.

"Enough! We have a renowned guest here tonight. As well as my expert on all things monstrous." Every eye trained themselves on Geralt and Merrian, Geralt relaxed while Merrian took on a neutral expression. Her hands were clasped tightly behind her back.

"Perhaps they can declare which esteemed lord is telling the truth." Calanthe smiled slyly at Merrian and Merrian returned her gaze harshly.

"Neither." Merrian and Geralt answered at the same time and both lords scoffed loudly.

"Are you calling me a liar, old man?" Crach demanded and Merrian sent him a glare.

"That wild woman wouldn't know a manticore if it shit in her lap!" Lord Tinglant snapped and Merrian clenched her fists as a wave of unbridled rage swept over her.

"Perhaps the lords encountered... rare subspecies of manticore." Geralt said, covering for the both of them as he glanced at Merrian's clenched fists. Queen Calanthe chuckled as she looked at Geralt.

"Perhaps our esteemed guest would like to entertain us with how he slayed the elves at the edge of the world?" She smiled and Geralt gave her a sarcastic smile back as the crowd cheered. Merrian looked up at Geralt in confusion.

"There was no slaying. I had my arse kicked by a ragged band of elves." He admitted proudly and Merrian looked at him even more confused than before.

"I was about to have my throat cut when Filavandrel let me go." Everyone groaned in disappointment.

"But the song!" Said Tinglant and Merrian glared at him sharply.

"Yeah... the song." Jaskier hinted trying to save the last semblance of his dignity.

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