The Dream Of A Normal Death

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Merrian stirred and opened her eyes to a vast white space, snow drifting down towards the ground in delicate flakes all around her. She slowly sat up and looked at the single patch of green unseen her. She turned her head to look behind, her hair falling over her shoulder in a dark brown cascade. There stood a dead white tree, completely untouched by the snow surrounding it. She stood and walked towards the strange tree, the cold snow stinging her bare feet as she made her way forwards.

What do you seek child?

A voice whispered and Merrian looked around the empty space, looking back towards the strange tree with caution.

"I seek the truth." She replied and it was as if the tree had heard her, for it soon began to twist itself apart into a pale wooden arch.

Ask your questions, and we shall answer.

Merrian looked at the arch and what lay beyond it. It was still a snow covered wasteland.

"What is this place?" She asked as she stepped forward, closer to the arch than before.

The place between waking and dreaming.

The tree replied in it's strange voice, and the young girl reached a hand towards the arch her hand grazing over the wood softly.

"Why am I here?" She asked, the answer she was given gave her only more questions.

You are dreaming, you shall wake soon Moon Child.

"What do you mean Moon Child?" She asked feeling a cold rod of fear strike through her spine.

You will know in due time.

The tree said, apparently it wasn't afraid to be cryptic.

"You said you would give me answers, but you have only given me more questions!" She grumbled. The tree suddenly began to twist itself back together the wood creaking loudly and pulling back together with a loud snap.

Merrian awoke with a sharp inhale of cold morning air. She slowly sat up, her hair falling forward in a dark curtain around her face, she looked over her shoulder at the Witcher who sat there on a log, stoking the dying embers of the fire from the night before. He didn't say anything, there was nothing to say, what could be said after that night.

"Did you sleep Geralt?" Merrian asked and the Witcher glanced at her for a moment before throwing a log onto the fire.

"No." He replied curtly and she nodded, pulling the blanket closer to her small form as the embers began to burn the fresh fuel, small flames starting to lap at the wood like hungry dogs. Merrian held her hands out towards the growing heat her fingers under her nails had turned blue from cold, she could still feel the snow under her feet from her strange dream.

"You're cold?" The Witcher asked and Merrian looked up at him.

"Yes, is that hard to believe?" She asked bitterly and the Witcher shrugged before standing and readying his horse, tightening down the saddle and taking something out of one of the saddle bags. He walked back over to the girl and handed her a piece of dried meat and a small loaf of bread.

"Eat. You'll need your strength. It's about a days ride to the next settlement from here." He said and Merrian took the food, giving him a nod and a small thanks before turning back towards the fire, thanking the gods for her food, and eating quietly. She glanced at the man who had turned his attention to his horse, stroking the chestnut's neck softly as she nibbled at the summer grass. This man seemed so strange to Merrian, at first she had been terrified of him, too scared to even look him in the eye. But to see him show such tenderness to another creature, it made her wonder if her fears were justified. She finished her food and stood up, the dew covered grass tickling her bare feet as she walked towards the other side of the mare, stroking her neck as she watched the horse pull at the grass with her teeth. The Witcher looked up at Merrian and watched her with interest as she stroked the horse's neck.

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