No Time For Weddings

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Merrian leaned against Geralt as the vows were said, her legs were still trying to support her weight. Geralt held her up with his arm, keeping a weather eye on her, he was still worried about the elixir he gave her. It was all he could think of in that moment, his mind was only thinking of her, just like it had been ever since he left her in Badger's Hove. She was there even in his dreams, slender and delicate like a fall leaf turning to lace as the chill of winter set in.

"Geralt... what happened to me?" Merrian asked, her voice barely a whisper, Calanthe was still giving Pavetta and Duny their vows.

"Something overtook you... you fell unconscious." He said simply and Merrian groaned as she straightened.

"You're no better than that damned tree..." she grumbled and he looked at her with a furrowed brow.

"Pavetta. Duny. With my blessing... I thee bind." Calanthe smiled and the couple shared a kiss, one not all too different than the one Geralt and Merrian had shared in the darkness of Triss' rooms. Duny suddenly started to convulse, barking and groaning in pain as he slowly began to change, the quills and black leathery skin receding back into his body. Black curls of hair sprouting from his scalp as the quills on the back of his head vanished. He was human again, and Pavetta slid acros the floor to embrace him kissing him more passionately than before.

"The twelfth bell has not yet rung." Pavetta breathed as she brushed the hair away from Duny's face.

"What has happened?" Calanthe asked and Mousesack smiled softly

"I think your blessing of this marriage... has fulfilled a destiny. The curse has been lifted." Merrian smiled and stooped to pick up her bo staff, leaning her body weight onto it as Jaskier grinned broadly

"Whew! I think this has the makings of my greatest ballad yet." He beamed proudly and Merrian rolled her eyes.

"If anything could top that damned witcher song..." she grumbled and Geralt humphed.

"If you're alive in the morning. Don't... grope for trout in any peculiar rivers until dawn." He turned to leave with Merrian in his wake but Duny stopped them.

"No, Wait! Wait. You both saved my life. I must repay you." Merrian shook her head at him and Geralt sighed.

"You're proven yourself to be the kind of man who would do the same." He shrugged and looked at Merrian briefly.

"We want nothing." Duny shook his head.

"No, please. Please, Geralt of Rivia, Merrian of Temeria, do not feel like you're doing me a service. I cannot start a new life in the shadow of a life dept." Merrian sighed heavily

"I've already given you Pavetta, her happiness is payment enough for me." And Duny looked at Geralt, who eventually caved.

"Fine. I... claim the tradition as you have, the Law of Surprise. Give me that which you already have but do not know." Merrian looked at Geralt in shock.

"No!" Calanthe cried

"Geralt you idiot!" Merrian hissed

"What have you done, Witcher?" Calanthe breathed and Geralt smirked sarcastically.

"Fear not, Your Majesty, if I'm seen in your kingdom again, it'll be to kill a real monster, not lay claim to a crop or a new pup. Destiny can go fu-!" Before he could finish Pavetta vomited onto the floor, clutching at her stomach.

"Pavetta? Are you...? Oh..." Calanthe bent over her daughter and Merrian turned to leave, her work was now concluded, they wouldn't need her anymore.

"Fuck." Geralt grumbled and grabbed Merrian's arm, pulling her behind him as he walked out of the great hall and yanked his sword out of the bottom of a chair.

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