I Dreamed Of You And I Died

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Merrian struggled with the corset as she and her uncle sat at their table with her cousin, looking like a child who was caught stealing sweets, looking at the entire room terrified.

"Stop messing with that thing, uphold some sort of decorum." Flora hissed next to her and Merrian gave her a vicious side eye.

"Now Flora, you know that she does not get much attention like this, leave her be." Foltest said lowly as he watched the festivities. The doors opened and a herald stepped forward.

"The Great Bard Jaskier!" Merrian slid down in her chair and groaned.

"Oh not this oaf again..." she breathed and watched as he sauntered into the room.

"Lords, Ladies, Your Majesty, and lovely Highnesses, I am thrilled to be preforming for you this wonderful evening!" He grinned broadly and his eyes connected with Merrian's and his expression faltered.

"Play us some music bard, if what my niece says is true we shall be very entertained indeed!" Foltest grinned and Merrian sent Jaskier a sharp glare, he nodded meekly and began playing his lute. Merrian looked out at the feasting guests in the great hall. Merrian shifted in her seat and Foltest glanced at her for a moment.

"Merrian..." she stood up and bowed to her uncle

"Excuse me Uncle, I need air." She rapidly stood and left the room as soon as she could. She could feel eyes watching her and she did not want their accusing looks. She left the great hall and went out onto a balcony trying to take in heavy gasps of air. She heaved over the edge of the balcony and sobbed out silent curses. She heaved a few more times before her stomach was emptied and her body trembling. The images from her dream flashing before her eyes, the pure hate in Geralt's eyes as he slipped his sword into her gut.

"Merrian?" She straightened and wiped at her mouth as she turned to face Jaskier, he was looking at her with the concerned expression of a friend who was worried about her. Which he was.

"I'm sorry to have left my own party, I just couldn't stand all those people looking at me." She tried to smile, maybe even laugh but all that came out was a rough sob. Jaskier walked over quickly pulling her up and standing by her trying to be supportive, as awkward as it was.

"I wish I didn't feel this pain in my chest every time I looked at him... I had a dream about him... if he killed me I would still love him..." Jaskier listened to her heart wrenching sobs and helped ease her to the ground.

"Him? You mean Geralt?" She shook her head and looked off

"I wait for the day when it finally does come, and I die without ever saying a word of what lies in my heart." She breathed

"Well, that sounds a bit overdramatic don't you think?" He asked and she sat up looking at him softly.

"He can never know, or it will cost him his life. That is my curse. No one can ever love me. If they do they will die not long after." Jaskier crouched beside her and frowned

"That's... rather unfortunate." He muttered and Merrian stood up wiping her face once more and talking a deep breath.

"That's why I avoid him Jaskier. The further I am from him the better, eventually I'll stop thinking about him, then I can avoid hurting him." She straightened her skirt and Jaskier let out a scoff.

"Geralt? Be hurt by you? Oh that'd be a sight to see. And actually it is, I've seen it. The way he looks at you, is like a man who's starved himself by keeping his distance from a perfectly good meal. If you'll pardon the analogy." He stood up and Merrian looked at the little imp of a bard

"What are you talking about? What way? He's never looked at me in any kind of way except to let me know when I should keep my mouth shut, which I ignore." She grumbled and Jaskier sighed heavily.

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