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   A week later Felix was kicked off of the show, but instead of feeling guilty, Changbin felt relieved.

   He felt relieved that he wouldn't have to deal with the rush of emotions that encompassed him everytime he saw the younger.

   Still, whenever he thought about Felix he longed to see him again, even if it was just for a moment.

   It hurt him; trying to cut Felix's parts out of their previous songs. Eventually, he ended up giving the project to Woojin, who had filled in for 3racha for the past few days.

   Jisung cried more than he had for Minho, and that's saying quite a lot. He hadn't left his room for weeks, and only went out every other day to go to the bathroom and get some water. The poor boy looked like he'd been starving himself for months, and everyone was concerned for his wellbeing.

   Chan missed his aussie brother so much that he slept; something he hadn't done in a long time. The members were pleased, but he didn't sleep for long, and woke up screaming.

   Changbin, well Changbin couldn't even describe how he was feeling.

   It just hurt him. It drained him emotionally, mentally, and physically, and he couldn't scribble down a single lyric without feeling like it wasn't good enough.

   Felix was fine. Other than the emotional pain that occurred after Changbin's conversation with him, and missing the other members, he was doing well for himself.

   He had known he probably wouldn't be able to debut with the others. After all, he barely knew korean at all, and his deep voice couldn't drag him along forever.

   Just then, when he had finally been able to afford his own place, life handed him a few more lemons.

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