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   I was going to talk to Minho that day. I promised myself I would.

   But one giant lemonade stand blocked my path.


   Changbin? He can't be here, not now! Why does he have to always get in the way? I just want to be able to do this one thing, but he's always in the-

   "-way, ya know?"

   He even interrupted my thoughts. Still, by some strange phenomenon, I needed him. I wanted him to get in the way of my persistently negative thoughts.


   "I said: you try to do one thing and people get right in your way, ya know?"

   Yeah I know.

   "I missed you Felix."

   My mind couldn't register his words. How the hell could someone change their feelings about a person that fast?

   Changbin had went from pushing him away to missing him.

   Felix hated that he felt this way for the older.

   He couldn't count the amount of times his heart had jumped out of his chest when he saw him.

   He stared down at the floor. The brightly colored wallpaper in hallway was starting to hurt his eyes. They already stung, he didn't need neon green flooding his vision too.

   "I like you a lot Binnie. How do I stop it?"

   He sounded so hurt.

   "I don't know Felix. I would've fixed myself by now if I knew."

   "Maybe we should talk about it more, it's turning into something really chaotic." Changbin added, clicking his tongue.

   "Let's go then." Felix whispered.


   It was quiet at the Han river that day. Few people wandered around, and the sky was perfectly clear.

   It didn't feel clear though. It felt so loud.

■▪︎The Jenga Experiment▪︎■ ✔Where stories live. Discover now