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   Guess who just happened to show up at his door?

   Lee Minho.

   Why though? What was the reason behind him coming here.

   He had no where else to go, and had been wandering the streets for weeks. He'd been living off of cheap street food and a water bottle he'd kept in his backpack.

   The Lee's were a very traditional family, and when Minho said he'd be doing music instead of business, he was almost immediately disowned.

   The point still stood that he couldn't afford a gallon of milk, let alone an entire apartment.

   When he heard Felix had gotten his own place he thought that there was a possibility that he could stay with him.

   Felix would not let him live out on the streets. He's too kindhearted. He let Minho stay with him for close to nothing.

   The only real disadvantage was the sleeping situation, considering the older had to sleep on the couch.

   The couch was always better than on top of a dumpster anyways.



   "Can I- Can I please stay with you?"


   "I know it's sudden, but... I don't know- gah this is embarrassing. I don't have a home." I was so scared to say that out loud. I was scared that he'd think I was a beggar, or even worse, a fake homeless person.

   Felix, well Felix isn't that type of person.

   "Yeah sure, but you've got to promise to pay me back at some point." He laughed, and somehow he seemed genuinely glad.

   I hadn't been happy in a long time, but that day I smiled.

   Felix's positivity was contagious.

   I loved that about him.


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