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   Everyday from then on, Changbin would go to the river late at night; once he'd finished his schedule, and write.

   Everyday he would hand his leader another page of lyrics, and Chan made them into masterpieces.

   Everyday, Someone would follow Changbin to the river, and watch him write.

   It was an odd cycle, and one that wouldn't stop until much later on, as in two or three months later.

   That's when Changbin finally caught who had been following him.

   "Why are you here?"

   "I need advice." Before Changbin could respond the younger added a quiet, "About... Minho."


    "I... Minho and I aren't really on speaking terms right now. I'm sorry I can't help you Jisung."


   "If you can't help me, can I help you?"

    Changbin stared, puzzled.

   "There's not much I need help with Jisung. I mean, that really was a one time thing."

   "I meant with Felix you perv."


   Jisung sighed and lifted his hands.

   "I can tell you ten things Felix likes about you right now. He's been talking nonstop about you for weeks."



   "Really?" I didn't know that Felix talked about me, or even dared to whisper my name anymore.

   I was shocked by the new information, and decided to find out more.

   "Okay then, go ahead. Tell me."

   He cleared his throat and placed down a finger.

   "He thinks that your jawline is perfection, and it's so sharp that it could really hurt you."

   Dropping another finger, he continued to add to the list.

   "He think your hands are the nicest hands he's ever had the honor of holding, and he wants to fluff your hair every single time he sees you."

   "He likes that you try to convince yourself that you're dark and mysterious, but are actually just an adorable baby boy who needs to be protected at all costs."

   "Felix really does love you Changbin."

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