Surprise, its him

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While I was sleeping I woke to see a figure in front of my bed. He seemed to wear red and have a scar on his face.

¨It's an honor to meet you Finn," The figure said. 

Me: Who are you.

Figure: I am Fire lord Zuko.


Zuko: Yes, you and Marceline saw me and a water girl.


Zuko made my mouth go shut with his supernatural powers.

Zuko: Calm down.

Me: Okay.

Zuko: I am here because death takes a long time before decided were you go.

Me: Why are you telling me this?

Zuko: I am here to tell you something, something important.

Me: What is that?

Zuko: Your my great grandson, behind centuries.

Me: So i'm your great, great, great, grea-

Zuko: YES, you have no bending ability because the age of bending was over a long time ago. But I am here to tell you something... You are going to die in a few years.

Me: WHAT?!?!?!

Zuko: Sadly.

After a long time of sitting there he noticed my demon sword.

Zuko: So, you inherited my sword ability's. Mind if I give it a few swings.

Me: Yes, but be careful.

He swung it and he was really good at it, I guess he was a swordsmen master in his prime. I wonder if I will really die.

Zuko: Here. *he handed twin swords to me* Those were my blades, they aren't used to be used individually but at the same time to make them work. I put the last of my bending into those swords,

Me: WOW, your giving these to me.

Zuko: Yes... My time is up, *his voice started echoing as he was fading* good luck Finn

I hid the swords under my bed and decided to use them tomorrow. Goodnight Fire Lord Zuko.


I was watching TV thinking about the kiss me and Finn shared. Then all of the sudden a female ghost appeared in front of the TV (stopping it of course).

Figure: We meet at last, Marcy

Me: You don know me enough to call me that.

The Figure looked at me with a "whatever" face: Oh really you made a song just because your dad ate your fries.

Me: Okay how do you know this.

Figure: I learn about a lot of people.

Me: Okay, so who are you.

Figure: I am Fire Queen Katara.

Me: Wait I've seen you before... in... the... Dungeon.

Katara: Yes. On the Portraits

Me: Okay so how are you on 2.

Katara blushes: Um... So... I kind of had a thing for one person but then the Fire guy came into my life the right way and I fell for him.

Me: Why?

Katara: He, almost died saving me.

Me: Nice, so um why are you here?

Katara: I am one of many of Finn's Great Grandmother's.

Me: oh... So why are you here?

Katara: Finn is going to leave because my husband told him something, so he wants to explore outside of Ooo before the thing happens.

Me: HE IS!?!?!

Katara: Yes and don't go after him, he'll come back for you.

Me: *sigh* Okay. I. Will.

Katara: Also your portrait of you and Finn is in the Dungeon.

ME: WHAT!?!?!?

Katara: Goodnight Marceline.

I sat there thinking of what just happened for hours. At the end of those hours, there was a knock at my door. It was Finn.

Finn: Hey Marcy... I need to tell you something.

Hey guys welcome to the end of this part. So yes I am combining Avatar with Adventure Time so what it's my Fan-fiction so don't question me. Have a great rest of you day and see you next time.

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