She Is Fairer

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9 months later

Zuko was visiting me, talking to me.

Zuko: So your child will be here soon.

Me: I don't know.

Zuko: Fatherhood is hard at first, but as time goes on it gets easier.

Me: Here.

I was trying to give his swords back.

Zuko: What are you doing?

Me: Giving these back.

Zuko pushed them away.

Zuko: They are yours Finn forever.

Me: I can't take them.

Zuko: Here.

He grabbed them and started pulling out all of this fire, I have never seen so much fire in my life. When all of it was out, he pushed the fire at me and I absorbed it.

Zuko: There is your Firebending, Master Finn.

He vanished leaving me there all quiet. Then I heard screaming of pain from upstairs and all I saw was Marceline.

Marcy: AHHHH


Marcy: IT'S COMING!!!

I realized what she said and I quickly called the doctor.

Person on phone: Hello.


Person: Okay, please wait while I tell the doctor... Is this Finn.


Person: Okay Jake will take a doctor over there.


Person: We will.

All of the sudden Jake crashed through the window with a doctor.

Jake: HERE.

Jake pushed Princess Doctor to Marcy.

PD: Please will you two leave the room or be quiet.

I looked over and saw Jake was downstairs.

After a few minutes of me watching (Never before have I seen), 2 baby's came out. Twins, they are twins. So I name one the way I want and she does the other one because that was the agreement with twins. That one on the right I named... Freya, Princess Freya. (HOLD ON, some 4th wall break but marceline is queen of vampires so yea Feya is a princess).

DP: She looks a lot like you Finn, and this one looks a lot like you Marcy.

Marcy: What do you want to name her.

Me: Freya.

Marcy: This one will be... Isaac.

Me: Princess Freya and Prince Isaac.

Marcy: That is beautiful.


Jake quickly got upstairs, said awe, and took Doctor Princess home. They also left the window open.

Me: Hey Marcy, wanna see a trick I learned from Zuko.

Marcy: Sure.

I punched the air aiming at the window and Fire came out.

She was surprised: Impressive, Master Finn...

Me: You Heard him.

Marcy: Yea, your family talks to me.

Me: I love you Marceline.

Marcy: I love you too, Master Finn

She laughed at that, this was the best of days ever.


We explore the world and commit crimes in city's, towns, and villages. I am the greatest mob boss to ever live. I have the money and the crew. Life is swell.

Fin: Hey boss, Finn invited you to his wedding.

Me: Really when is it.

Fin: Next month.

Me: Well, i'll clear my schedule when the time comes.

Arlington: Hey lets go visit Finn, I mean we haven't seen the guy in ages.

Billy: I agree.

Me: Okay we will go... after this next heist.

The Group: Yea.

Me: Set sail for the money kingdom then we go to Ooo.

Fire Princess

I knew I should have never broke up with Finn. I was talking to my father, Fire King.

FK: Listen honey I can't rule forever, I need you to find someone.

Me: Finn was the only one for me and I lost him to that vampire.

FK: It was your fault you lost him, so decide you can either find a husband or I pick for you.

I left the room to my room. He was right, I lost him because I wanted someone else then. Now all I want is him. While I was thinking, Cinnamon Bun came in with a card.

CB: Princess, here.

To Fire Princess,
I see you are in need of a husband. I know we don't get along but you need to rule so If you want I will make a fire version of Finn. It will look like Finn, think like him too it's just he will only care about you and he knows he is a copy but he doesn't car.

Think about it,

Princess BubbleGum.

Looks like the is hope.


I was sitting (yes I was sitting) on the couch with the children while Finn puts together the crib. I love all of them so much. My children are adorable like when I was little or Finn, I can't decide. Then I remember a question.

Me: Finn.

Finn: Yes.

Me: When are we getting married again.

Finn grins: Next week.

Me: Cool.

Finn: I invited my friends from the mystery island.

Me: I need to meet them.

Finn: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

Author notes

Welcome to the end of the Story, hopefully you enjoyed everything I put in the story the characters Zuko, Katara, Sal, Fin, Billy, and Arlington are characters from different stories, first two are from avatar the other 4 are from bo2 mob of the dead. SEE YOU GUYS NEXT STORY

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