Chapter I

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Dyrroth is pissed. He cursed the sky for being too bright, he cursed the forest for being vast and tricky, he cursed the animals that stare at him, and most of all cursed his pathetic entourage that died the moment they entered the forest leaving him to do a fucking errand all on his own. What errand would make Dyrroth this furious you ask? Well, it's about going all the way from his home in the Abyss and going into the damned Dark Forest just to retrieve a few ingredients for Selena's so-called important concoction or something.

He thought over through the list again making sure to remember every single one of them so that he won't need to return again in this blasted forest. "Nightshade, beowolf heart, nymph tears, alpha wolf heart, medusa snakeskin, and a tiny girl wearing red talking to a nymph in a monster-ridden forest?" Dyrroth said in confusion. He observed the girls obliviously talking about something Dyrroth could not comprehend. Based on his observation the two interspecies friends are happily conversing as the nymph help the girl with her laundry.

The girl has a stupidly bright red cloak and wears a simple white camisole and a pair of red shorts. She has golden blond hair that reaches past her shoulders and curls a bit at the end. Her eyes are a bright emerald pair, a heart-shaped eye patch covering one of them, which made the Demon Prince wonder what could have been the story behind it. Her visible eye seems to sparkle with all the light of the sun making it shine like a gem. The girl looked exactly like a perfectly innocent princess who helps everyone she meets and smiles with the radiance of a thousand suns. She looks weak and fragile and always in need of a prince to save her, just looking at her annoys him. She's everything he hates about a girl. She's literally bright which Dyrroth hates.

Sitting beside the girl is a woman with a literally flowing long blue liquid hair. Her hair seems to be made of blue semi-transparent flowing water. Her skin is the color of the sky in a perfect sunny weather and her eyes are purely translucent blue with no sclera.

"Well, what are the chances of suddenly stumbling upon a nymph. Now how do I make her cry?" he said sadistically.

He thought of ways to make the nymph cry but came up with nothing. He knew that nymphs are too tough to shed tears even under intense torture, he knows because he saw Alice torture one for the same product but the creature only cursed and screamed, her spirit too strong to break.

Red, as he preferred to call the cloaked girl, removed an oddly shaped big red gun beside a wooden basket. The gun seems to be powerful with enough strength to blow a wolf into pieces but he doubts the girl's capability of withstanding the recoil due to her petite and weak appearance. Speaking of the blonde girl, Dyrroth thought it strange for a small girl like her to be dwelling and laboring in a forest filled to the brim with deadly monsters, especially because she is wearing bright red clothes. Her parents must have hated her because with clothes as eye-catching as hers, monsters would surely see her coming from miles away and attack her.

But they aren't and she is happily working with little care to the world. She dumped her dirty clothes in the still water but instead of sinking to the bottom they just floated for a minute and then spun in place due to a miniature whirlpool. The girl threw in pink flowers and a powder which made the water bubble as it spun.

The nymph said something which made the maiden think with a suspicious face. She contemplated for a moment before mouthing something in return which made the nymph blush and gestured her hands in denial. The maiden still gave the nymph suspicious looks then stood up. She removed her red hood and placed them on top of her basket not wanting to get dirt in them. Her next move surprised Dyrroth, she removed her camisole exposing her chest. Her breasts are of decent size and held together by a pair of laced red lingerie.

Dyrroth jumped a little because a spider landed on his face making the bush where he was hiding shake and made his presence known to the pair.

Red was about to pull down her shorts but stopped because she heard him rustling and looked at his general direction but did not see him because he was well concealed by the leaves of the bush. Red picked up her gun and clicked something in it and extended it into a red scythe, which truth be told impressed Dyrroth. Red walked towards him and prepared to attack.

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