Chapter IV

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Chapter 4 Morning and Murder

Ruby was having breakfast on the front porch overlooking her magnificent garden of red roses and blue and purple orchids. Butterflies the color of the orchids fly here and there to feed on the nectar while some attached themselves to Ruby's hair because she inserted a few orchids and roses in her twin braids meeting at the back of her head. She wore a red and white dress with a red ribbon in the torso and two white ribbons on its side. It has a corset design and frills in the skirt. The outfit made her look like a doll and any person who would see her will think so.

A stone table was in front of her with thin metal legs and on top of the table are arrays of food and elegant china. There are pieces of bread in a wood weaved plate, tea in a tea set complete with sugar, honey, and milk, a brown dish consisting of beef, potatoes, red bell pepper, and carrots, ham, and a large stake. A slice of blueberry cheesecake sat in the most beautiful blue saucer she owns, this is her favorite food of all. There's also a pitcher of milk for Ruby's daily calcium to help her grow. Ruby looked like a cute doll having a tea party all on her own. Zwei was on her feet deep asleep. Everything was peaceful and fairytale-like and with days like this Ruby couldn't help but smile in contentment.

Ruby was reading a book called King Arthur and the Knight's of The Round Table as she was slicing through her cake. She was so invested in her reading that she didn't notice someone sneaking up on her. A sharp blade was pressed against her neck but she only bats an eye and remained calm.

"Good morning, Dyrroth." she said calmly.

"What's good in the fucking morning? Explain everything before I slit your throat." Dyrroth threatened. The purple and blue butterflies flew off from her hair in panic which made the girl look majestic however her "companion" doesn't seem to care.

"You passed out for two days due to the amount of poison circulating your bloodstream. The boar's poisoned blood seeped into your wounds but thankful Lazuli's water and the magic charcoal cleaned your blood and absorbed the poison. I nursed you back to health and cleaned and repaired your clothes or whatever that spiky thing is." Ruby explained before drinking her milk.

"You're welcome by the way." she added. Dyrroth clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I'm not thanking you. Why do you even look like that? You look like an eyesore. What is that a fairy tale reference? The little red riding hood get up is so annoying. Who the fuck sends a little girl in a monster-filled forest wearing a bright red cloak? Her parents must have hated her to send her happy trotting to her death. But then again a big strong man came to her rescue like all the other shitty tales. I like the version where she gets eaten by the wolf." Dyrroth ranted. Instead of being angry, Ruby giggled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well, I've always thought the same way. It's just funny that someone said it like that." Ruby answered. Dyrroth gave her an annoyed scowl, hating her sweetness and innocent girl vibe

"How did a bitch like you still alive in a place like this?" Dyrroth asked looking down at her with sincere curiosity.

Ruby lifted her head to meet him in the eye and gave him a smirk. "Isn't it obvious? I'm good at killing monsters." She answered with a mischievous glint in her eyes. An amused smile graced Dyrroth's lips at the girl's answer.

"Care to join me for breakfast instead of trying to murder me. You've been asleep for two days after all." Ruby pointed to a chair opposite hers. A minute passed with none of them moving until Dyrroth took the blade away from Ruby's throat and placed it on the table.

He pulled the unoccupied chair and sat. He flipped an upside-down plate and took all the stake for himself as well as the brown dish and the ham, basically all the meat in the table and started "eating". Dyrroth ignored Ruby and only focused on eating while Ruby also ignored Dyrroth although his barbaric eating is annoying her and just focused on reading her book and eating her blueberry cheesecake. Ruby heaved a sigh in contentment as her dessert stimulate her taste buds. Not a word was exchanged between the two as they live in their own worlds.

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