Chapter V

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Chapter 5 Out for a Hunt

"Dyrroth. . . are you. . . okay?" Ruby asked timidly as strong winds hit her face and whole body. Her golden hair was being blown by the wind and her hood was knocked off her head and was filled with air that it looked like a red balloon.

"Yes, Ruby I'm fine it's not like I'm dangling from the talons of a giant bird while you ride on its back. So yes, I'm really okay." Dyrroth said sarcastically.


"Of course not, you dimwit! Do something!" he burst out.

Dyrroth was in fact clasped in the talons of a giant black bird while Ruby was on its back gripping its massive feathers tightly because her life literally depends on it. Her eye was squinted due to how strong the wind was hitting her face. She was fine but she wasn't sure about her companion, she was also afraid that the bird was taking them to the other side of the world or where ever it is this monster is migrating to.

How did all of this happen, you ask? How did the almighty Prince of Darkness and the sweet Little Red Riding Hood end up in this dilemma? Let's go back five hours earlier.


Turtle Crystal 🐢
Beowolf Heart 💜
Alpha Wolf's Claws 🐺
Nymph tears 💧
Deadly Nightshade 🍇
Medusa Snakeskin 🐍🐍

These are the materials that Dyrroth wanted to acquire as he told the girl. Ruby has Deadly Nightshades in her yard which erased an item from the list and she only needed to beg Lazuli for her tears also without informing her about Dyrroth's existence. The nymph was more than happy to provide for her beloved friend that she didn't even question her about it, which is kind of odd in Ruby's opinion for reasons she couldn't place her finger upon.

The beowolf heart and the claws weren't that hard to acquire because they only need to find the den of wolves and kill most of them to get to their leader. With Ruby's knowledge of the forest and the nature of the beowolves these two weren't so hard to acquire. Once they've reached the den of Pale Tusk everything was just about killing.

A number of the monsters fled early in the fight recognizing Ruby as the one that killed their families and friends, while Dyrroth thoroughly enjoyed the bloodbath and carnage he inflicted upon the beasts. The only good thing is that he was so selfish at killing that he also killed those that were getting too close to Ruby when he ran out of prey to kill. Due to Ruby's request for revenge Dyrroth allowed her to land the killing blow to the alpha wolf and let her acquire Pale Tusk's dominant paw because he was feeling generous.

"Hey Wolf King, have you ever heard of the phrase they often say about wolves, sheep, and revenge?" she asked him as her heels dig into his ribs. The wolf only trembled and watched her in despair. He was so petrified and afraid much like her when they massacred her family.

"No?" she made a fake disappointed face as her heel dig deeper." Well, let me tell them to you." She leaned down his furry ears lowered in submission, no longer fearing him and whispered the words: "Leave one wolf alive. . ." she swiftly took out a knife holstered in her leg and stabbed him in the chest where his arteries should have been. The Wolf King released a piercing scream and tried grabbing her with his claws but they were cut off by Dyrroth before they can even be lifted.

"And the sheep will never be safe." Ruby split his chest open revealing his massive beating heart. She gingerly grasped his heart which is trice the size of her fist and swiftly pulled it out. She gazed at it with an amused expression finally getting her revenge. When she noticed Dyrroth staring she reached it out for him to take. The smile left her face and her crimson eye reverted back to her emerald ones once he took it and placed it in his build storage.

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