Chapter VII

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Chapter 7 Visit a Nymph

Dyrroth watched with boredom as Alice drained the blood of a squirming elf. She sank her sharp fangs on the boy's neck with the wildness and ferocity of a starved tiger. Her eyes were clouded with rage as she fed on the begging and screaming elf whose heart she tore away in annoyance and ate raw when there was no more blood left to drain from his body. It had been her fifteenth by now and the other elf corpses litter the floor like used clothing. Blood and bits of innards are scattered everywhere like confetti, while other alive (they won't be for much longer) imprisoned elves watch in horror at the preview of their fate. Their terrified faces were the only things that lightened Dyrroth's mood for the day.

That and his hunt in the Dark Forest with that red runt. Ah, that deserting cheating bitch again, leaving him hanging in the air (literally) to be eaten by a giant bird. He hanged there for about an hour more trying to figure out how to get the fuck down from that moving bird without dying seeing as he doesn't have a lesbian nymph friend like her to help him land and prevent ending up as a purple lasagna.

He noticed the trees down below changing as well as orcs and demons running around and killing elves. There were vines hanging from the strong barks of the tree and he saw this as an opportunity to finally land, so without further hesitation, he followed after Ruby's plan: jump.

The strong gusts of air slapped his face hard as he dived to position his body horizontally though a little tilted so that he can see the ground. He was approaching the treetops quick due to the speed of his descent and when he hit the foliage he grabbed onto the vines and slid slowly downwards.

He maneuvered so that he landed on top of an elf about to shoot down Balmond. The orc stared at him in surprise but snapped himself as more arrows rained down on them. Balmond repelled all the arrows headed his way using his large axe and crushed a stupid elf who thought he could take on an orc hybrid heads on.

"Where were you?" Balmond asked while killing more elves.

"Ehh, just went out for a hunt by orders of Selena. Any orders from Alice?" the Demon Prince replied as he joined the fighting.

"Just kill people." replied the red orc.

"With pleasure." He smirked and started to murder elves who came too close to him with not a single arrow or blade cutting through his skin. He ended up killing at least half a hundred elves and humans until Alice somehow failed and ordered for a retreat, which gravely upset him and stop his bloodbath.

In the camp, she hadn't spoken a single word to anyone and only focused on devouring the lives of those useless elves.

Seeing Alice tear another elf heart from a new victim made him remember a scene earlier.

"Leave one wolf alive. . ."

"And the sheep will never be safe."

"That cunning she-wolf." he smirked to himself as he remembered the little girl tearing out the heart of that alpha beowolf. The way she cruelly smiled as she stared at the heart in her hand with the same bloodlust he had in his eyes when he kills. She's a murderer and she enjoys being one though she may not look like it. He would really love to see her burn and wilt like fire once he gets his chance to have a match with her. He would surely make her pay for disgracing him.

"DYRROTH! Are you even listening?!" He finally snapped from his thoughts due to the witch's yelling.

"What now?" he replied unfazed.

"I'm asking you where have you been for the past week?!" she yelled again, her mouth dripping with blood. By now her torn limb had finally regenerated back and her wounds and injuries are no more as if they never happened.

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