Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8

"Thank you for your purchase please take good care of them." Ruby said as she waved goodbye to the man who bought three goats from her.

"That's the last of them. We should really go now and book for an inn before we run out of rooms or else we might sleep on the streets. I never expected that people actually flock here. Why is that?" Alucard asked as he picked up Zwei who was trying to chew his boots.

"Well, the extremely dangerous monsters only dwell deep in the forests and seldom do they leave their hunting grounds in this time of the year that's why some daring hunters want to achieve wealth and glory by hunting the monsters of the outer circle of the forest. Although a lot of them never really make it back but those who do become insane, or rich, or insanely rich." The maiden answered as she was counting her earnings.

"How much did you make?" Ruby asked as Alucard handed her a tiny drawstring purse.

"Eighteen silvers and twelve bronze pieces. How about you?"

"I made twenty silvers and five bronze and that would make it thirty-eight silvers and seventeen bronze. We can buy two A-class inn rooms with this as well as more materials for our travels!" Ruby exclaimed in excitement.

"That's great, you must be hungry by now little lady, you haven't taken a single thing in your stomach since this afternoon. Let's get to an inn and go grab something to eat."

"Yes sir!" Ruby cheered with a bright smile.

The two started walking towards a three-story wooden edifice however Ruby's pace slowed down when she noticed something that made her heart feel sad. In the distance, near a ruined building, an old woman sat with her two grandchildren, one boy and one girl who both look like they were about her age.

The small family is obviously homeless and extremely poor because of their tattered clothing and dirty appearance. The grandma was breaking a small bread and giving the larger portions to her grandchildren, almost leaving nothing to herself. The sight made Ruby's heart melt with sadness and pity.

"Ruby what's wrong?" asked Alucard in worry.

"It's nothing, I just wonder why there are still people starving on the streets even though the people around them are perfectly adequate to help. It just makes me sad."

The sadness in the girl's beautiful face made his heart clench. Her emotions are really contagious, and he wants to remove that sad expression from her beautiful face.

"Ruby," he started but was cut off by the said girl.

"Alucard can I give this money to that poor family. They need it more than we do, I still have money on my basket from my grandma and grandpa's savings for my 18th birthday, we can use that instead for our travels and inn rooms. Please." Ruby pleaded, her brilliant emerald eyes shining with determination.

"Well, we really don't need that money. Your father gave me a hansom budget to provide for our travel necessities. Go ahead little lady do what you must." he said patting her hair.

Ruby smiled in joy. "Thank you, Alu!" she said before running off towards the direction of the family.

"Uhmm hello. I noticed that you need a little help so here." she handed the boy the tiny pouch containing the sum of her income. The boy looked at his grandma before shyly taking it from the red-wearing maiden. The boy opened the small bag and his eyes widen as he saw the most money he ever held in his entire life. The old lady's eyes also widen at this and she quickly took the money and handed it back to Ruby.

"Kind lady we cannot possibly accept this large a sum, we didn't earn it so please take it back." The old lady said.

"It's okay, it's yours now. You need it more than I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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