Just another thursday

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Chloe was preparing to enjoy another class day without the school's liar presence when her mood was ruined.

Adrikins and Dupain-Cheng entered the classroom, together. Holding each others hands. That alone would have Chloe annoyed, even if she gave up on Adrien a long time ago, she still liked to ''claim'' she was his closest girl-friend. But no, it wasn't just that.

While everyone cheered and whistled at the new couple, except sabrina ,bless her, Chloe noticed a couple little weird things on Adrikins smile. He hadn't smiled a lot lately, with Lila being a brat and all, but now that he did she briefly got a glimpse at the blonds tiny but surely there fangs.

Now, Chloe was not the best at math, but she could add two and two together when it was on her face like this. Appearance changes like those cat-like teeth and that atrocious black manicure would not go unnoticed by her in any reality. Adrien had to be Chat Noir or a really big fan at least. Chloe was willing to bet sabrina that the first was the case.

And this bothered Chloe, not because he mocked her usually when they interacted as heroes before, or because he never came back with her Pollen even though he knew how much she sincerely missed the little god. Those things hurt, but the main thing that ruined Chloe's day in her mind, was the realization that if she discovered this so easily, then it would only be a matter of time before everyone that interacts with Adrien knew sooner or later that he was the cat themed hero.

She was clever enough to know she wasn't clever enough, Max was still the smartest person in the class and if she figured it out, the little genius would be next for sure. She also had the first hand experience of having everyone know her secret identity, and the consequences of that. Sure, Hawkmoth was defeated, but the heroes did not retire. If there was a good enough reason for Ladybug not to give her Pollen back, then Adrien's miraculous would be taken too if people figured him out, right?

Something in Chloe awoke on that moment. She realized that her childhood friend depended on his powers to be free of his father, that was probably why he hadn't exploded yet. She knew she would if she had a fraction of his schedule. So who cared if Dupain-cheng won the race to Adrikins heart somehow, good for her. Whatever. Chloe had a mission now, one that Marinette probably didn't even suspect about. She would protect Chat Noirs identity however she could, starting with talking to him about his new fashion choices.

Chloe smirked, surprising and worrying Sabrina, who was the only one paying attention to her reaction to the new couple. The queen was still relevant, miraculous or not, she had a connection to one of Paris heroes not even he knew about. Yet.


''You could have told me ages ago, Nino!'' Adrien was half complaining to his best friend. The four of them were sitting on their usual covert spot at recess, discussing the recent development in Marinette and Adrien's relationship.

Nino laughed and said. ''Naa dude, that was not my secret to share, you should know a thing or two about that stuff!'' He joked, but he kind of promised with Alya that if Adrien and Marinette were not together by next week, with all the stuff they knew now, they would intervene. He was certainly thankful it did not come to that.

''He's right, Marinette tried for years to tell you, it would have been too cruel to take that from her'' Said Alya. The designer was red while hiding her face on her boyfriends arm. Adrien was trying to play it cool, but Alya could tell he was flustered too.

''I bet Chloe is mad right now'' Commented Nino, and Marinette showed her face again just in time for Alya to catch her guilty look. Oh, right, Chloe was Queen Bee. And Marinette, or rather Ladybug, had been ignoring her since at least half a year. Alya had to give it to the rich girl, she had not thrown a tantrum about that in a while, making everyone forget her conundrum. In fact, Chloe had been almost invisible lately. It was as if the blonde being mean made her shine somehow, but since she had been behaving a lot lately she was almost like a second Sabrina.

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