New Life, New Job!

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A/N: Hey next chapter time and this one will time jump and we see what is happening with both Fergal and Pam. Sorry for the late update there has been a lot of shit happening lately so I hope you like this little update. This is the chapter that will start the Baylor ball rolling sort of so you have to sit back relax and enjoy the next instalment of 'Forbidden Dance' Happy reading!


1 Year Later...

It's been a year, a whole year and Pam's life has changed but for the better and she's made it work for her. She was a mum now, 3 months earlier she had given birth to a baby boy and the second he was placed on her chest she loved him, he was her perfect little man. Conor was Pam's everything and the only person who knew about him was Mercedes, Pam trusted her not to tell anyone about Conor and Mercedes kept her word, not telling a soul. As much as her life was just all about Conor, Pam knew she needed to get a job the money she had saved up was getting eaten up and if she didn't get a job soon she'd be broke with a baby. Pam knew she couldn't go back to the club to work she knew Paige would give her a job back but now with a baby Pam just wanted a normal stable job to support her son.

Getting a job was easy to say but it was hard, Pam had applied for lots of jobs but she was turned down but she wasn't going to give up her son needed her to not give up. One day Pam had gone out to catch up with her friends Becky and Charlotte who were both WWE Superstars and left Conor with Mercedes her one time away from Conor but Mercedes convinced her to just go out and that she'll look after Conor. So Pam was having a coffee with the girls and they asked her how her job search is going and Pam told them she had no luck.

"I really need to get a job and soon. I'm living off the money I had saved and it's depleting" Pam said before taking a sip of coffee.

"Hey there's a job going at WWE, right Becks?" Charlotte asked Becky.

"Yeah actually there is" Becky answered.

"You guys I aren't a wrestler so-" Pam started saying interrupting Becky.

"No, they want an personal assistant for some big shot wrestler, so it's a behind the scenes job, you'd be perfect Pam" Becky continued.

"I don't know you guys, I've been a stripper so I don't think WWE would take someone with my resume" Pam said taking another sip of her coffee.

"Are you serious WWE doesn't care about that if you can do the job that's all they care about, just go for it" Charlotte replied trying encourage Pam to go for the job.

"Yeah Pam go for it and think about it we'll be seeing each other more" Becky agreed with Charlotte .

"Okay fine, I'll go for it" Pam said before they clicked their cups.

So after applying for the job, Pam was surprised that she was asked to come in for an interview. In the interview she was in a room with Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Vince McMahon she was nervous but answered the questions asked of her and that was it she was told they'd call her but a week since the interview she hadn't heard from them so she figured she didn't get the job so she decided to look else where. Then one day while at home she had just put Conor down for a nap when her phone rang, she was shocked that it was Triple H telling she got the job and she starts tomorrow morning 6am sharp.

Everything was coming up roses, Pam's life was perfect she had her little man Conor and now she had a job in WWE. She was on top of the world, Pam called Mercedes and told her the news then asked if Mercedes can babysit Conor during the days she worked seeing as Mercedes worked at night and Pam would be home by then so Mercedes would go to work afterwards. It was perfect after Mercedes told her she'd love to babysit Conor during the day then go to wrok at night.

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