You Promised

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A/N: New chapter time and this is gonna a very explosive chapter and in the end it will either bring Baylor together or drive them apart. What has Veronica planned and will she get her hands on Conor and if she does what will Fergal and Pam do? Well read on to find out what happens, happy reading!


At Pam's apartment, Mercedes had just fed Conor a bottle and was rocking him to sleep in his nursery and he was soon asleep as Mercedes smiled down at him in her arms as she gently placed him in his cot making sure his favourite stuff toy was next to him before she covered him with his blanket. Looking at him sleeping peacefully Mercedes smiled as she walked out of the room making sure she left the door slightly ajar in case Conor woke up at night. Grabbing the baby monitor she walked into the living room but the second she stepped foot into the door she was knocked over the head as she blacked out falling to the floor.

"Stay here in case she wakes up, I'll be right back" Veronica said coming out of the shadows before she walked off in the direction of the nursery.

Walking into the nursery, Veronica saw the cot and as she walked closer towards the cot she saw Conor sleeping peacefully. Smiling down at the sleeping baby she reached into the cot and gently picked him up as she looking into his sleeping face, her finger tracing his face before she held his little hand.

"So your Fergal's son, your so beautiful it's a shame that she's your mother when it should have been me" Veronica whispered as she sat on the rocking chair with Conor in her arms.

Veronica pulled out her phone taking a selfie of her holding Conor as she placed a kiss on his cheek then smiled as she sent the photo to Pam with a caption 'Mummy's home!'. Getting up from the chair, Veronica walked out and back into the living room to see Mercedes still knocked out as she told Lorenzo to get the car as she grabbed a blanket from the couch and covered up Conor who was still sleeping in her arms. Bundling up Conor in her arms, Veronica walked out of Pam's apartment taking Conor with her as she jumped into the car and was driven away.


In Melbourne, Pam was just getting ready to leave and head off to Sydney when she got a message on her phone. After making sure she had packed everything she had just grabbed her phone when Fergal walked into her room along with his bags all packed. He was about to say something when he saw her tense up as her body shook.

"Oh my god!" Pam gasped in shock before she let out a sob.

"Pam... Pam, what happened?" Fergal asked rushing forward grabbing her as her knees buckled.

"She's got Conor! She's taken my baby!" Pam sobbed as she gave him her phone.

Fergal looked at her phone and saw a photo of Veronica holding his son as she placed a kiss on his cheek while the baby slept. Fergal started shaking with anger that Veronica would do this.

"You promised Fergal, you promised" Pam sobbed as she looked at Fergal.

"I'm not breaking my promise, we'll get our son back" Fergal replied pulling out his phone as he started making calls.

"I don't care what you say, I'm sorry to the fans but this is life and death I need to go home NOW!" Fergal yelled into his phone as he paced around Pam's hotel room. Meanwhile Pam was frankly trying to get through to Mercedes but she wasn't answering.

"Yes have you got me on the first flight out. Yes myself and my assistant. Excellent we're on our way now, thank you and I'll explain everything when I get home" Fergal was saying into his phone before he hung up.

"Well?" Pam asked looking at Fergal as she continued trying get through to Mercedes.

"Let's go, I got us on the first flight back to the States. I'll explain on the way" Fergal replied as they grabbed their bags rushing out of the hotel room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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