Chapter 1: паук

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He heard the door open and was blinded by the light for a moment, but recovered. "Паук, you have a mission." he heard Sir say.
He nodded and waited for Sir to tell him what to do. "Your next target is this man..." he looked up to see a picture of a man he thought he would never see again. He masked his surprise as Sir started to talk again. "...Tony Stark. He's currently in New York at the New Avengers Facility. You have to end his life, before he ruins our plans. You'll be going in an hour. But before you fly off to New York, you will go to your Doctor."
Peter tensed slightly, but nodded nonetheless. "You're dismissed."
Peter turned around and started to walk away. To his Doctor.
To the promise of pain. Of suffering.
'Ren w-we can't do that...we can't k-kill him.' he thought to Renegade. 'We won't, I promise. I have a plan, all you have to do is trust me. I'm here to help, that's why you created me, Pete. You have to wait just a little bit more. This will be your last shot. I'm sorry that I cannot help you, but you know that if we switch they will know about me and we will suffer more. I will take care of everything else like I did for the past 3 years. I won't allow you to see, hear or do the things that I do. I will protect you.' Renegade said protectively and Peter felt better.
'Thank you Ren for always being there for me.'
'You don't have to thank me...'
"Паук what took you so long? Hurry we can't waste more time. Guards!" the doctor said when Peter opened the door and stepped inside.
The guards in the room gripped Peter's arms and positioned him on the examination table. "Паук..." he said as he prepared the shot. "'s sad that this will be our last meeting...that is about Project 3.2. It was really fun experimenting on you, but everything has an end you know. Just like Project 1, 2 and 3.1. After this shot...This project will be a success.
If I'm lucky I will be able to start another project, with you as my experiment."
Just as the Doctor stopped talking he gave him his last shot. Peter started to silently scream and trash in pain. The guards tried to hold him down. When they noticed that they couldn't hold him down any longer, they nodded to the doctor. The doctor smirked. "Паук what did we say about 'screaming' and trashing around?" the doctor said as he pushed a button. "We said that if you do so, you're going to get a warning." when he finished talking Peter stopped 'screaming' and trashing around, even though he was in much more pain than before.
He knew that this was a warning.
He knew that he has to behave in order to not get punished.
He looked at his hands, fists to be more exact. He wanted to rip these bracelets apart. Wanted the pain to stop, but he knew that he wasn't allowed.
He tried it 2,5 years ago and it didn't end well. He was in so much pain back then, when his pain tolerance was nothing compared to now. So much that he hurt himself in the process. He still has the scars from that time. And the scars from the following punishment.
"Good, now that you 'calmed down' you can go back to your 'room' to prepare yourself." the doctor said as the guards let him go. The doctor pushed another button and Peter breathed in deeply.
The pain lessened and he left the room.
'Pete I'm so sorry that you had to get trough that, but this was the last time. We will never be here again,
I promise.'
'Thanks Ren. For everything. Really.' he thought to Ren.
Peter went back to his room and changed into his stealth suit, which was black. Just plain black. Nothing compared to his old suit. He took all of his, no Renegade's weapons. A katana, two Glock's and a lot of knives in different sizes.
Even though Peter knew how to use every weapon, he doesn't use them and isn't allowed to use them to hurt others, his brother Ren made sure of it. But Peter knew that he would rather suffer than hurt someone else. That's why his brother took care of everything that was related to death and blood.
And Peter was grateful.
When Peter was in full gear he started to get a little uncomfortable. 'Ren...I-I really don't know what to do. I-I'm not sure if I can handle more.'
'Shhh once you're on the plane I will take over, you don't have to worry.'
Feeling a little bit better, Peter nodded and went to the plane. On his way there he could hear people, HYDRA Agents, whispering. "Well who wants to escort the Freak to New York?" Agent 1 said.
"Ohhh you gotta be kiddin' me." Agent 2 muttered to himself. "Wait you mean that Freak that can't speak, because..." Agent 3 said before he was interrupted by Agent 4. "You idiot we aren't allowed to talk about it. I will escort the Freak. You guys can go back to whatever you were doing."
Peter frowned. 'Hey, hey Pete don't listen to them.' Ren said reassuringly, even though he wanted to rip them apart with his bare hands.
Peter nodded once again.
"Паук this is Agent Brown. He will escort you to New York." Sir said when Peter arrived at his destination. Peter nodded firmly and went inside, not missing the way Sir looked at him.
It was a promise of pain, if he failed this mission. Peter got scared like every other time he received that glare, but masked it perfectly.
Agent Brown followed him inside.
They sat down and flew off to New York, leaving Sokovia behind them.

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