Chapter 3: Back Home

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Once Peter was inside he felt better.
He didn't feel trapped.
He liked this new feeling off freedom.
He was back...home.
He never felt so safe before.
Safe in the arms of his dad...
"Pete, what happened...?" he heard his dad say and automatically stiffened.
His dad noticed it.
'Lil Bro just use your hands to say that you can't speak and need a phone...'
Peter wanted to facepalm, why hadn't he thought of that.
When they knew his condition, they could help him and he could speak again.
With a new resolve he sat up, leaving the warmth of the hug.
He looked around. Everyone, including himself, was seated in the living room at the Penthouse. He sighed and pointed at his throat and shook his head. Everyone seemed to understand, because they looked at him wide eyed. He looked at his dad and pretended to make a call. He outstretched his hand and his father gave him his phone. Peter nodded and started typing. After he finished he held the phone towards one of FRIDAY's cameras.
"It would be a pleasure for me to do this task, Peter." FRIDAY said, answering his question. Peter nodded and smiled a bit.
No one expected this so they just waited for Peter to continue with whatever he was doing. Peter started to type again and FRIDAY said what Peter typed, so that everyone could hear it.
"As you likely already figured it out...I can't speak. That's why FRIDAY will speak for me...I should probably introduce myself, because no one except dad knows me.
Well I'm Peter Parker and I'm...not sure how old I am, because...yeah let's just say I'm in the body of an 14 years old boy, but I'm already 17 years old mentally. As to why...I don't want to talk about it right now...
Before I was kidnapped, I was the personal intern of dad or at that time
Mr. Stark.
We haven't really met, besides the fight in Germany, but that doesn't yeah dad was trying to get you pardoned which probably took him a year, because I was with him almost a year before I was...yeah." FRIDAY said as Peter looked around after he finished.
All he could see were faces full of guilt and shock.
The first one to get ahold of themselves was unsurprisingly Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow.
"Do you know who your captors are?"
Peter turned pale and wide eyed as he looked into her eyes. He started to shake and scratched his wrists where the bracelets were. He scratched so hard that he started to bleed. But the moment the blood left his skin, the wound closed and there was only some blood left.
Tony got into action and held his boys arms. "Shhh Pete everything's alright. You're safe. You're here with dad and he's going to protect you, okay buddy? So please calm down."
Peter calmed down a bit after hearing his dads voice and hugged him as he cried. "Bud we can talk another time. Do you want to go to your room to shower?" Tony asked gently. Peter nodded. "And after that I'll get you some food, because you're way to skinny."
Peter could just nod and they both made their way to Peter's 'old' room.
"Here you go bud. Take your time. I will leave my phone here so that you can tell FRIDAY to call me once you finished showering." he said and added a
"I love you Pete, don't forget that.".
Tony kissed his son on the forehead and left after he saw his boy smile at him.
Tony went straight to the living room to talk to his friends.
"Tony what's all this about?" Steve asked him as he sat down next to him and sighed. "Yeah, you never told us about him." he heard Clint say and that's when he snapped. "Well I didn't told you, because I thought that he was dead...It hurt so much and it was my fault."
"Tony it wasn't your fault, everything will be alright. Right guys." Natasha said. Steve was the first one to agree.
Vision, Wanda and Bruce nodded with smiles on their faces. Clint guiltily said a quiet "Yeah", while Scott replied with an enthusiastic "Yep". "That's right Man if Iron." Thor said with his booming voice. Sam made a sound of agreement and said "Right Buck?".
That's when everyone looked at Bucky and noticed that he hadn't talked at all.
"Buck?" Steve said. "I-I think I know who...who kidnapped Peter." he said quietly, not looking up to meet their gazes. "What? How?..." Tony stuttered.
"No, no, no, no. My Pete wasn't freaking 3 years with this sick organisation...Noo."
Tony said as he started to hyperventilate, just as Rhodey entered the room. "Heeeey Tones I got back earlier and wanted to surp...Tony?" he said as he rushed to his friends side. Rhodey helped Tony to calm down from his panic attack. "Tones...what happened?" Rhodey asked again after seeing all the distraught expressions.
"P-Peter he...he came back. H-He wasn't...wasn't dead. They...Hydra kidnapped my boy Rhodey." Tony said in between his sobs. Rhodey was shocked. "He...He's here right now?" the man asked quietly. "He's...He's h-here."
"And...he was r-really kidnapped by...Hydra?"
"So you figured it out." Renegade said leaning on the doorway.
Getting wide eyed reactions from everyone.
"Who the hell are you? What did you do to my son?"

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