Chapter 2: Renegade

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When Renegade was sure that Agent Brown wasn't looking at them and just ignored them, he offered Peter to take over their body.
'...Pete let me take over. Just take a nap. I know that you are exhausted. Big Brother Ren will take care of everything else, okey?'
'Mhhh okey.' thought Peter.
Now that his big brother mentioned it, he really felt sleepy.
Renegade smiled and took over. Something similar to a red Tattoo appeared on their right hand/arm.
Peter's big brown eyes turned to Renegade's red coloured ones.
It felt good to be the one in control again.

Once he made sure that Peter was asleep within them, he started Phase 2 of his plan. Phase 1 was getting on the plane and 2 is getting out of it, without anybody noticing, for a time.
He waited and waited, until the plane started to land.
Agent Brown stood up and turned around to face the so called Freak, after he successfully landed.
"Well hello, isn't it our nice Agent Brown." Renegade said in an amused way.
He had a smirk on his face that scared Agent Brown. Renegade seemed crazy, unpredictable and bloodthirsty.
Like a wild animal.
"What...W-what the hell are you?"
"I'm your worst nightmare!...
And don't think I didn't hear you and your friends speaking behind our back...
You will pay for calling Peter a Freak!"
Renegade growled as he launched forward and unleashed his katana.
The Agent was terrified.
So terrified that he couldn't even move.
Renegade was so angry, no mad.
He stabbed the Agent several times, before he let him there so he could slowly die by loosing blood.
He looked satisfied and liked the blood that was on his sword. He had this mad glint in his eyes and just wanted kill one more time. But no, he couldn't do that. He had a plan to follow. A little brother to protect.
So he put away his sword and left the plane. He knew where to go. He knew that he would help them. He had to.
'R-Ren?' He heard Peter say quietly.
"Yeah Pete?" he said out loud, because they or just he, had no reason to hide anymore. 'D-Did we...Are we..'
"...Finally free? Yes we are." Ren said with a smile on their face, which got bigger when he felt Peter relaxing.
'Sooo where are we going?'
" the only place where I know we will be safe."
'Wait...y-you mean we're going to Mr. Stark?'
"Yeah Pete."
'Ohh ok, cool, yeah I...I'm not panicking at all...' "Pete take a breath in and than out...yeah just like that. We will be fine, don't worry." 'B-But Ren how am I going to him...I can't.' "Shhhh we will think about something. There are ways. Just try to calm down and relax. Everything will be alright." 'Ok I trust you.'
Renegade nodded and run faster. Jumped from roof to roof and started to swing to the New Avengers Facility.
They were almost there.
Just a bit more and they would be safe.
Pete would see his 'dad' again.
He hoped that Mr. Stark really loved Pete. Because he only heard stories about the man from Peter and never saw him.
Ren knew that if the man tried to even think of harming the boy after they had just escaped, he would kill him no matter what.
No one will hurt his little brother again. Not when he finally has the chance to properly protect Pete.
Renegade finally arrived at the New Avengers Facility and just stood still. He was at an open field and knew that the Avengers would be informed of a threat that was on their property.
Not even one minute later all the Avengers were in front of him.
Ready to fight.
"Who are you you and what do you want?" Ironman asked. And Renegade just took off their mask and gave Peter control over their body.
"P-Pete bud is-is that really you?" Mr. Stark asked as he got out of his suit.
Peter who just saw and heard the man again after 3 years, couldn't hold back his tears. Mr. Stark just opened his arms and Peter literally threw himself at the man.
"Pete I-I thought you died. I'm so sorry.
I-I failed. I couldn't...I couldn't find you, even though I never stopped searching,
I-I couldn't protect you, even though I promised myself I would...I'm sooo sorry kid." Mr. Stark said as he hugged his son closer and cried. "The day...The day you...vanished...I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to have breakfast with you, then tinker in the lab, after having lunch I wanted watch a movie or two with you and order takeout for dinner...After dinner I-I wanted to tell you something...I wanted...
Pete I love you. You're like a son to me. And when you...I thought I'd never see you again, but you're here and you won't ever leave again. I will make sure of it. I won't fail this time. Never again." he said, getting more confident at the end.
Tony pulled back gently and cupped Peter's cheeks and just looked at him, before looking worried. "Wait Pete are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened? Ohh I'm so stupid.
Come inside. You must be freezing." Mr. Stark put an arm around his shoulder and gently brought him inside. He ignored the looks he received from his friends and just focused on his son.
He really needed to call Pepper and tell her about Peter's return. No, he wouldn't tell her something like that on the phone. He would just tell her to come here ASAP.
And Rhodey. He was in DC.
He needed to come too.
He was Peter's uncle after all, even if Peter didn't knew Rhodey thought that way.
He needed to know too. And he had to tell the Avengers. They were his friends.
They were part of his family too.

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